(A)   Historically, the major natural disaster threat to the coastal area of the state has been hurricanes.  Accordingly the following action plan has been developed to cope with the effects of hurricanes and their accompanying storm surge.
   (B)   (1)   The first threat recognition will come from forecasts provided by the National Weather Service. As soon as a tropical depression forms in the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf of Mexico, the Town Administrator is to inform the Mayor and Chief of Police and Fire Chief.
      (2)   Upon assurance of a hurricane watch and/or warning from the National Weather Service, the County Emergency Management will, in accordance with the county hurricane evacuation policy, contact all local police.  The Chief  of Police or his or her designate will inform the Mayor of all hurricane watches or warning notices and contact department heads as directed by the Mayor.
      (3)   As part of the control group specified in the County Emergency Plan, the Mayor will inform the county of actions to be taken by the town.
   (C)   Evacuation decisions for the town are the responsibility of the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, Chief of Police or other persons as designated by the Board of Aldermen.  Specifically, the Mayor determines when to open the Command Post and coordinates other town personnel in carrying out the following:
      (1)   Notify the public as early as possible that evacuations may be necessary (Town Clerk or Police Chief);
      (2)   Line up emergency rescue facilities (Police Chief); and
      (3)   Mayor signs State of Emergency/ Evacuation Order.
         (a)   Notify radio;
         (b)   Call in Fire Department;
         (c)   Call in town employees;
         (d)   Relocate any town records, equipment and the like which could be damaged by water; and
         (e)   At deadline, fire and police make street-to-street checks.
   (D)   Emergency shelters.  Evacuation shelters are provided in the ten schools in the county.  The first shelter to open would be West Brunswick High School.  These shelters are maintained and stocked in accordance with the County Emergency Plan.
(Ord. 907, passed 9-17-1996)