The Council shall authorize by ordinance, in January of the year 2000 and any odd-numbered year thereafter, a specific dollar amount above which funds of the City may not be expended except pursuant to contract made with the lowest and best bidder after public advertising and receipt of bids in a manner provided by ordinance. Provided, however, the City may authorize, by ordinance, expenditures of the funds of the City without public bidding in dollar amounts exceeding the limit set by Council in specific cases, such as: for the acquisition of real estate; for the discharge of noncontractual claims against the City; for personal services; for the joint use of facilities or exercise of powers with other political subdivisions; for the product or services of public utilities (including those municipally operated); or, in the case of urgent emergency, for the immediate protection of public property or public safety. No other expenditure of more than the amount set by Council shall be made, except pursuant to contract made with the lowest and best bidder as specified above.
(Approved by voters 11-2-99.)