The Council shall by ordinance provide for a Police Department, a Fire Department, a Service Department, a Finance Department, a Law Department, a Health Department, and such other departments, divisions, boards, commissions, officers and employees as it may deem necessary, and determine the organization and duties of each department, division, board and commission, and the duties of each officer and employee, except as otherwise provided by this Charter. The Council may, by ordinance, change, abolish, combine, divide or re-arrange any such department, division, board, commission, office or employment, and may authorize one person to be the head of two or more departments, divisions, boards or commissions.
   The Council may by ordinance delegate to any department, board, commission or officer of this City, such of Council's powers as it deems proper to be exercised by such department, board, commission or officer.
   The heads of the Law Department and Health Department shall be duly admitted to the practice of law and medicine respectively in Ohio, and shall have practiced their respective professions for at least five years.
   There shall be provided in the Finance Department a central purchasing division.
(Effective 1-1-32.)