Where work for which a permit is required by this Building Code is performed without obtaining such permit, whether the work has been completed or not, the person responsible for obtaining such permit shall apply for the permit and pay a fee as follows:
   Residential Permit
First offense (violation notice issued)
Permit Fee doubled, or a
minimum of $150.00
Second or more offense (violation notice issued)
Permit Fee doubled, or a
minimum of $250.00
   Commercial Permit
First offense (violation notice issued)   
Permit Fee doubled, or a
minimum of $250.00
Second or more offense (violation notice issued)
Permit Fee doubled, or a
minimum of $1,000.00
   Payment of the fee set forth in this Section shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of this Building Code or any other State law or City ordinance.
(Ord. 06-53. Passed 5-22-06.)