A.    Limitations on Location of Signs. All permanent and temporary signs requiring a permit shall be located on the premises they are intended to serve. Such signs shall be located pursuant to the following:
      1.    No sign shall be located within or shall obstruct the public right-of-way.
      2.    No sign shall be erected or placed so as to prevent free ingress and egress from any door, window, or fire escape, nor shall such sign be attached to any standpipe or fire escape.
      3.    No sign shall be erected or placed so as to cover or extend across the architectural elements of the building upon which it is located. Such elements include building cornices, sills, windows, doors, portals, projections or recesses greater than six (6) inches in depth; or piers, pilasters, columns, arches, and fascia. Signs may be placed within the confines of such elements subject to review and approval by the Architectural Board of Review.
   B.    Calculating Sign Area. Sign area is defined as the area within any perimeter enclosing the limits of lettering, emblems, or other figures on a sign, together with any material or color forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate the sign from the background on which it is placed. Structural members bearing no sign copy shall not be included in its surface area. In the case of a multifaced sign all sides shall be included in the calculation of surface area.
Figure 1250.06.B Calculating Sign Area
   C.    Changeable Copy. Changeable copy may be installed pursuant to all the provisions and restrictions set forth below.
      1.    As Part of a Directory Sign. A directory sign may contain changeable copy, if located within the signable area of the building wall and within six (6) feet of the building entrance door. Letters within the sign shall be no more than four (4) inches in height.
      2.    As Part of a Multiple-Family Identification Sign. A multiple-family building identification sign may contain changeable copy which is limited to the listing or current rental availability. Such changeable copy shall not exceed three (3) lines of information. Letters within the sign shall be no more than four (4) inches in height.
      3.    As Part of a Place of Worship Identification Sign. Changeable copy may be permitted as part of a place of worship identification sign whether installed as a monument or wall sign. Letters within the sign shall be no more than four (4) inches in height.
      4.    As Part of an Automotive Fuel Station Price Sign. Changeable copy may be permitted as part of an Automotive Fuel Station identification sign for the purpose of listing fuel prices. Letters within the sign shall be no more than six (6) inches in height.
   D.    Illumination of Signs.
      1.    External Illumination of Signs.
         a.    Illuminated signs shall be limited to the following:
            1.    Interior luminous tubes.
            2.    Enclosed floodlighting using white or daylight gooseneck-type lamps.
            3.    Backlighting of items of information.
The remaining surface of the sign shall be opaque, and shall not emit light.
         b.    Whenever external illumination is used for a sign, the source of light shall be located, shielded and directed in such a manner that the light does not shine or cause glare onto any surrounding public street or private residence, pursuant to Section 1260.06, Environmental Performance Standards.
         c.    Any receptacle or device used to provide external illumination for a wall sign shall not protrude more than twelve (12) inches from the face of the sign.
      2.    Brightness Limitations
         a.    In no case shall the lighting intensity of any sign, whether resulting from internal or external illumination, exceed seventy-five (75) foot candles when measured with a standard light meter perpendicular to the face of the sign at a distance equal to the narrowest dimension of the sign.
         b.    The lighting intensity of all signs is further subject to the provisions regarding glare as set forth in Section 1260.06, Environmental Performance Standards, of this Zoning Ordinance.
      3.    Hours of Illumination. No sign shall be illuminated between the hours of 2:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., unless and to the extent that the activity displaying the sign is open for business during those hours. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to grant an exemption from the provisions of this section to any activity in which illumination of signs during the hours otherwise proscribed is necessary or desirable for the security and safety of the activity or for property in the custody of the activity.
      4.    Backlit Canopies and Awnings. Backlit canopies or awnings are prohibited.
      5.    Voltage Plate. All signs in which electrical wiring and connections are to be used shall have affixed thereon a plate showing the voltage of the electrical apparatus used in connection with the sign. This voltage plate shall face away from public view and right-of-way.
   E.    General Construction and Maintenance Requirements.
      1.    Construction. All lawn signs shall be designed and constructed to withstand a wind pressure of not less than thirty (30) pounds per square foot of net surface area and to receive dead loads as required in the Shaker Heights Building Code.
      2.    Fireproof Construction. All permanent signs shall be constructed of non-combustible material.
      3.    Sharp Projections Restricted. All signs, canopies and awnings which are constructed on, over, or within five (5) feet of a public thoroughfare shall have no nails, tacks, or wires or other hazardous projections protruding therefrom.
      4.    Use of Glass. Any glass forming a part of any sign shall be safety glass. If any single piece or pane of glass exceeds three (3) square feet, such piece or pane shall be wired glass.
      5.    Maintenance. All signs, canopies and awnings shall be kept and maintained in a safe, clean and orderly condition and appearance, and shall be repainted or otherwise maintained periodically by the owner to prevent corrosion or deterioration caused by weather, age or any other conditions, and to keep the same in a safe, clean, neat and orderly condition and appearance.