(a)   No person shall sell goods or services on a public street or roadway, sidewalk, driveway apron, or tree lawn from a vehicle or cart without having obtained a license issued under Chapter 545 or 546 of the Business Regulation Code, or pursuant to a Special Event Permit or License Agreement with the City. The sale of goods includes, without limitation, the sale of food, ice cream and beverages.
   (b)   No person shall sell goods or services on a public street or roadway, sidewalk, driveway apron, or tree lawn from a vehicle or cart unless such person is in compliance with the following regulations, except to the extent any regulation is modified by a Special Event Permit or License Agreement with the City:
      (1)   Unless a street is closed from curb to curb to traffic pursuant to a Special Event Permit or License, no sales of goods or services may be made:
         A.   On any street with a speed limit of greater than 25 miles per hour (MPH);
         B.   From the left side of a vehicle parked, stopped or standing on a public street or roadway;
         C.   While standing, stopping or parking such vehicle or cart in any one place for more than fifteen (15) minutes;
         D.   In a congested area, or in such manner as to obstruct or impede the normal flow of traffic or inconvenience to the public; or
         E.   Without the vehicle using its emergency flashing lights on both the front and rear of such vehicle.
      (2)   No sales of goods or services may be made on or before the hour of 11:00 a.m., or after either 9:00 p.m. or sunset, whichever is earlier.
      (3)   No person shall operate such vehicle or cart at such a slow rate of speed as to obstruct or impede the normal flow of traffic.
      (4)   No person shall shout or blow a horn while operating or using a vehicle for the purposes of selling goods or services for the purpose of attracting attention to such goods or services.
      (5)   An ice cream truck may operate a bell, chime or music while moving on a street, except that the volume shall be set so that no such sound may be heard more than 500 feet from the vehicle at any time.
      (6)   No sales of goods or services may be made on any street more than twice on any day.
   (c)   No person shall vend or peddle goods, wares, or merchandise, on a public street except on the sidewalk, paved portions of tree lawns, or driveway aprons.
   (d)   Every vehicle used for the purpose of soliciting or selling goods, wares, or merchandise from which wrappings or waste material of any type may litter the public streets, shall be equipped with one or more disposal receptacles of sufficient capacity to handle the amount of litter or waste emanating from such vehicle. Every vendor or operator of such vehicle shall clean each area where sales have been made of all litter emanating from the vehicle or customers before moving to another location.       
(Ord. 20-88. Enacted 10-26-20.)