(a)   The Chief of Police, or in his absence, the commanding officer of the Police Department is hereby empowered to make and enforce temporary traffic regulations to cover emergencies or special conditions, when, in his opinion, the traffic flow on any street should be temporarily restricted, altered, detoured, or increased, either for the purposes of play, recreation, or public assembly, or due to a fire, accident, unusual traffic conditions, or any other emergency situation. He may cause appropriate signs and/or signals to be erected, changed, or removed to comply with or indicate such temporary regulation.
   (b)   No person shall, without lawful authority, fail to obey all such temporary regulations, the orders or signals of any police officer pursuant thereto, and authorized signs and/or signals except that drivers of vehicles having business or whose residence is within a restricted area may, with the exercise of great care, drive upon such street or portion thereof, unless directed otherwise by a police officer.
(Ord. 58-12. Enacted 1-27-58.)