(a) The fees for all permits issued by the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be $25.00 unless specifically indicated otherwise in this Fire Code.
(1) Operational permits for fire hydrants shall be $100.00, and $75.00 of this amount shall be considered a deposit. The deposit shall be refunded when use of the hydrant has ceased and no damaged associated with the use has occurred. If any damage has occurred, the Bureau may require the permittee to make the repairs within a reasonable time, or the Bureau may cause the repairs to be made and deduct the cost from the deposit. The Permittee shall pay the City any amount needed to make the repair that exceeds the amount deposited.
(2) A permit for the installation, removal or repair of an underground storage tank containing flammable or combustible liquids shall be $100.00.
(3) A permit for Hot Work shall be $25.00.
(4) No fees shall be charged for construction permits.
(5) No fees shall be charged for bonfire and recreational fire permits.
(b) When multiple permits are required for a specific event or activity at one location, the permit application may be consolidated into a single permit application, and one permit shall be issued if otherwise warranted. The permittee shall pay for a consolidated permit the total amount that would have been paid if the permits were issued separately, unless the applicant requests a reduction of the fee and the Fire Chief approves such reduction to an amount that more closely corresponds to the cost of the necessary inspection activity.
(Ord. 19-14. Enacted 2-11-19.)