901.07 PERMITS.
   A permit program shall be established by the Bureau of Fire Prevention pursuant to Sections 104.2 and 105.1 of the Ohio Fire Code, and the Chief of Fire shall issue permits for the activities set forth in such Sections, of the Ohio Fire Code, and in this Code. The owner, lessee, agent, or party in charge or control of any premises upon which any work or activity referenced in this Section is to be conducted or the person conducting or in charge or in control of the work or activity, shall obtain a permit or permits prior to the work or activity being started. A permit shall be obtained for any activity listed in the Ohio Fire Code, and for the activities listed in this Section as requiring a permit.
   (a)    Permits are required for the following activities: Hot Work, fire hydrant use, open burning, firework displays, the operation of dry cleaning plants, service stations, and places of assembly, the temporary use of tents, and certain uses of welding, flammable liquids and gases, and the storage of flammables and gases, and other activities listed in this Code and the Ohio Fire Code.
   (b)    A permit required by this Fire Prevention Code shall be issued upon payment to the City of the fee for each requested permit as set forth herein, provided an application for such permit has first been approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
   (c)    An application for a Hot Work permit must be accompanied by proof that the contractor, general contractor or subcontractor has completed the training required by the Chief of Fire, proof of current Contractor License under Chapter 547 of the City's ordinances, and written verification and contact information for the person or persons to be onsite at all times during hot work to provide a fire watch as required by the Chief of Fire. At least one person who has undergone the training required by the Chief of Fire shall be onsite at all times during which Hot Work is being performed. The Chief of Fire may require additional terms for any Hot Work permit, as set forth on the application form and/or the permit.
   (d)    Where work or activities for which a permit is required by this Fire Code are started or completed prior to obtaining the permit, the fees required for the permit shall be tripled, but the payment of such triple fee shall not relieve any person from any violation of the Fire Code or from fully complying with the requirements of the Fire Code or any other State law or City ordinance.
   (e)    A permit may be suspended or revoked by the Fire Chief or the Chief's agent if the permittee fails to comply with the permit or otherwise violates the Fire Code or the provisions of Chapter 547 of the City's Ordinances.
   (f)    The Chief or the Chief's agent may issue a stop order for any activity authorized by a permit if the permittee is in violation of the permit or this Code, or if the public safety is in any way endangered by the activity.
   (g)    An aggrieved person may appeal the issuance, suspension or revocation of a permit, or a stop work order, to the City's Board of Appeals within thirty days of such action by the City, by submitting a written appeal, setting forth the basis of the appeal, to the Fire Chief or the City's Law Department. An appeal does not stay the action for which an appeal is filed.
      (Ord. 19-14. Enacted 2-11-19.)