   As used in the Fire Prevention Code and the regulations incorporated herein, certain terms are defined as follows:
   (a)   "Approved" when applied to materials, types of construction, appliances, procedures, transportation, or occupancy, means approved by the Fire Chief or the City Bureau of Fire Prevention as a result of investigations and tests conducted, or by reason of accepted principles, research reports and tests made or approved by the American Society for Testing and Materials, the National Fire Protection Association, International Code Council, and any other authoritative sources specified in Appendix O of the Ohio Building Code and in OAC Section 1301:7-5-01.
   (b)   "Historic building" means an individual building designated as a historic landmark or a building in a designated historic district under Federal, State or City law.
   (c)   "Hot Work" for permitting and licensing purposes only under these Codified Ordinances shall mean the same as defined by the National Fire Protection Association in rule NFPA 51B, when a person is using a welding, cutting and/or roof torch. This definition shall not limit enforcement by the Fire Department of any standards under this or the State Fire Code regarding Hot Work as defined in NFPA 51B.
   (d)   “Premises" means any lot, parcel, or plot of land, whether vacant or occupied by any buildings or structures, and including the exterior and interior of any buildings or structures thereon.
   (e)   "Property" shall include either real or personal property, and shall include any premises.
   (f)    "Rubbish" means any paper, boxes, bottles, cans, articles of apparel, and all other forms of discarded material.
      (Ord. 19-14. Enacted 2-11-19.)