(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to keep within the city certain livestock or fowl, including, but not limited to, equidae, cattle, swine, sheep, goats, llamas, roosters (male chickens), geese, ducks, turkeys, and peacocks.
(B) As used this section, the word KEEP
shall mean the raising, tending, feeding, and/or harboring of a live animal in such a way as to imply ownership or custody of the animal.
(C) This section shall not apply to retail locations, zoological parks, bona fide circuses, or carnivals.
(D) A chicken flock may be kept in the city, subject to the following restrictions.
(1) Application to harbor a chicken flock shall be made to the city's animal control officer and shall include:
(a) Name, address, and phone number of the applicant.
(b) The permit to harbor a chicken flock shall be $10. The permit will be valid for a period of five years at which time it must be renewed. All permit fees collected shall be used in support of animal control operations.
(2) One chicken flock may be permitted for owner-occupied single-family residential address/home.
(3) Single-family residences, which are rental homes or not owner occupied, must have written permission of the property owner attached to the application and any issued permit.
(4) No applicant shall harbor more than one flock within the city.
(5) The keeping of chicken flocks is prohibited on/in duplex, multi-family, apartment buildings/complex's and mobile home/trailer parks.
(E) Standards for maintaining/harboring chickens.
(1) Keep all chickens completely and securely enclosed and under control of the owner and on the owner's property at all times;
(2) A chicken coop and chicken run shall be provided. During daylight hours chickens may be located in the chicken run;
(3) Provide a chicken coop that must afford shelter from the elements;
(4) Provide a chicken coop and run that provides adequate sun, shade and ventilation; both must be impermeable to rodents, wild birds and predators including dogs and cats;
(5) Provide chickens with access to feed and clean water at all times, such feed and water shall be unavailable to rodents, wild birds and predators;
(6) Provide a chicken coop and chicken run that afford a combined ten square feet per chicken; and
(7) The chicken coop and run shall be constructed of traditional building material and be predator proof. It may be fixed or mobile. Coops and runs shall be constructed so as to confine the chickens to the owners' property.
Non-commercial use only.
The keeping of chickens authorized under this code shall be kept as pets or for personal use only. Eggs and chicken manure shall not be sold.
(F) Location.
(1) Chickens, coops, and runs shall be confined to the rear of the residential structure.
(2) Coops and runs shall comply with the city building codes as to setback and location on the property.
(G) Any person owning an animal described in division (A) at the time of the enactment of this section shall be permitted to keep the animal provided that the owner registers the animal in accordance with section (D)(1) within 60 days after the enactment of this section. A copy of the registration shall be kept by the owner as evidence of the lawful possession of the animal. This permit is valid only for the originally permitted animal.
(Ord. 20, 2014, passed 6-23-2014)