Accessory signs in Residential Districts shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the regulations as provided in this section. Signs identified in this section, listed in subsections (a), (c), (d), (e) and (g), need not meet the structural criteria listed in Section 171.03(c).
   The types of signs permitted as to use, structure, size and number for each dwelling or lot shall be as follows:
   (a)    One nameplate indicating an occupant's name and house number on sign, not exceeding two square feet in area, may be located on any building or lot but not less than five feet from any side lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way line.
   (b)    In a Multifamily District one permanent identification sign, indicating the name, owner or manager of the multifamily project, not exceeding twenty square feet in area and five feet in height, may face each major street, but shall not be less than fifty feet from a side lot line and twenty-five feet from any street right of way.
   (c)    One directional or no-trespassing sign, not exceeding four feet in area and three feet in height, shall be permitted on any building or lot, located not less than five feet from any side lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way line.
   (d)    One real estate sign advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises or part of the premises on which the sign is displayed, not exceeding six square feet in area or four feet in height, shall be permitted for each dwelling or lot, provided that such sign shall be located not less than twenty-five feet from any side lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way line. Illumination shall not be permitted. "Room for Rent" signs shall not be permitted.
   (e)    One subdivision project sign per entrance, not exceeding 100 square feet in local area and six feet in height, may be permitted while a subdivision is under construction, provided that such sign is located on the parcel being developed and is not less than 100 feet from any occupied residence and not less than twenty-five feet from the nearest street right of way. The permit for such sign shall be for a period not exceeding one year. However, such permit may be renewed while construction is pursued diligently. An extension of the permit may be granted if deemed necessary by the Building Commissioner upon application by the owner. A project sign may be removed immediately upon commencement of the intended use, but not later than the initial or succeeding one-year period covered by permit.
   (f)    One bulletin board or announcement sign, not exceeding twenty square feet in area or five feet in height, may be located on the premises of a public, semipublic, charitable or religious institution in a Residential or Public Facilities District, but not less than fifty feet from any residential lot line or less than fifteen feet from the nearest street right-of-way line. Indirect illumination shall be permitted.
      (Ord. 48- 2001. Passed 9-24-01.)
   (g)   Political signs shall be permitted as follows:
      (1)   Definitions.
         A.   "Candidate" means any person seeking election to public office.
         B.   "Committee" means two or more people announcing, advocating, promoting or otherwise commenting upon a political candidate or a political subject or issue. For the purposes of this chapter, a "committee" shall be considered to be at large.
      (2)   Location and maintenance standards. 
         A.   Political signs are permitted on private property except as otherwise specified in this subsection.
         B.   No political sign shall be erected or maintained so as to prevent free ingress and egress from a door, window or fire escape, nor shall any political sign obscure any other sign which directs attention to an emergency exit, fire extinguisher or other safety device.
         C.   No political sign shall be erected or maintained so as to obstruct any system of ventilation nor to violate any provision of local or State Building Codes.
         D.   All political signs shall be maintained in a safe, attractive, clean and inoffensive condition.
         E.   Public Property. No person shall post or attach any political sign upon any street sign, utility pole within the corporate limits, or upon any public building, vehicle, voting booth, flagging, curb, tree lawn, walk, step, stone or sidewalk, or write, print or impress or in any manner attach any political sign upon any public building, voting booth, flagging, curb, tree lawn, step, stone or sidewalk, the property of the Municipality or within the street lines of the Municipality or over which the Municipality or Council thereof has the care, custody or control, which includes but is not limited to street signs, except such as may be required by the laws of the State or upon permission of Council.
         F.   No political sign shall be directly illuminated.
         G.   No political sign shall make use of the words “stop”, “look”, “danger” or any other word, phrase, symbol or character as to tend, in the opinion of the Mayor, or his or her authorized representative, to interfere with, mislead or confuse operators of motor vehicles on any public streets.
      (3)   Removal or alteration of illegal signs.  
         A.   If the Building Commissioner finds that any political sign regulated herein has been erected, placed, displayed or maintained in a manner inconsistent with any provision of this subsection (g), the Building Commissioner shall give written notice to remove or alter such sign. This written notice to remove or alter such sign shall be given to the property owner, to the spouse or agent of the property owner or to the respective candidate, committee or person otherwise responsible.
         B.   If the person notified under paragraph (g)(3)A. hereof does not remove or alter the sign as required by the written notice from the Building Commissioner, within three days of receipt of such notice, such person shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 171.99(b).
      (4)   Motor vehicle political sign. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the display of political signs on motor vehicles.
      (5)   No permit fees are required for political signs. A person must register with the Building Department when they place political signs throughout the City. (Ord. 130-2014. Passed 10-14-14.)
   (h)    One permanent, nonilluminated subdivision ground sign, not exceeding seventy- five square feet in total sign area and four feet in height, indicating the name of the subdivision or residential development, shall be permitted. Such sign shall be set back not less than ten feet from an arterial or collector street right-of-way line, not less than twenty-five feet from any side lot line and not less than 100 feet from any occupied residence. Such sign shall identify and be part of the architectural treatment of the subdivision.
   (i)   Memorial signs shall be permitted, provided that such signs do not exceed two square feet in area and are constructed of bronze or other noncombustible material and are permanently affixed to the building or premises therein.
   (j)   Security signs shall be permitted, provided that such signs may only be of a type which is readily affixed to a window, such as a decal or sticker not exceeding fifteen square inches in area, or a metal or plastic sign inserted in the ground not exceeding sixty-four square inches in area. (Ord. 48-2001. Passed 9-24-01.)