Signs, as permitted in the various zoning districts, shall be designed so as to be similar in character with regard to material, color and size to signs designed or located on the same building and on adjoining buildings in order to equalize the attention they are meant to attract and to produce an overall unified effect, and in accordance with the following standards:
   (a)   Sign Bands Across Multiple Store Fronts. In the case of a strip center-type business building that provides an unbroken "sign band" across multiple store fronts, the Building Commissioner may, for reasons of aesthetics and balance, approve signs that may not comply with the requirement that a sign shall be set back three feet from the party wall of the business to which it pertains.
   (b)    Projecting Signs. Projecting signs may be attached to the building wall or canopy and project at an angle of approximately ninety-degrees for a distance of not more than three feet, or project over the cornice line not more than one-third of the total height of the sign. Projecting signs shall be located not less than five feet from a party wall line, and the lowest member of a projecting sign shall be at least eight feet above a public sidewalk. Signs shall not project into any dedicated right of way or private drive.
   (c)    Monument Signs. Permanent ground signs shall not extend higher than seven feet above the finished grade.
   (d)    Vertical Dimensions. The lowest member of all signs, with the exception of ground signs, which project or are supported on posts, shall be not less than eight feet above the finished grade of a sidewalk or any other pedestrian way. If located over a pavement used for vehicular traffic or within eighteen inches of the vertical projection of the edges of such pavement, the lowest member of the sign shall be not less than fifteen feet above the finished pavement.
   (e)    Relation to Windows, Doors and Emergency Means of Egress. Signs shall not project over or obstruct the required windows or doors of any building, shall not be attached to or obstruct a fire escape and shall not interfere with other safety provisions as may be further regulated in the Building and Housing Codes or the Fire Prevention Codes of the City.
   (f)    Relation to Traffic Devices. Signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct sight lines along any public way, traffic control lights, street name signs at intersections, street sight lines or signals at railroad grade crossings. Signs visible from the sight lines along a street shall not contain an arrow or words such as "stop", "go", "slow", etc., and the movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination shall not resemble highway traffic signs.
   (g)    Corner Lots. No sign shall be allowed within a triangle formed between points on the front and side lot lines within thirty-five feet from their intersection.
      (Ord. 48-2001. Passed 9-24-01.)
   (h)    Changeable Copy. Signs displaying electronically changeable copy shall be permitted. Electronically changeable copy and manual changeable copy signs shall be limited in size to not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the area of a permitted pylon or monument sign.
      (Ord. 100-2012. Passed 11-12-12.)
   (i)    Movement Restrictions. No sign shall employ any parts or elements or lights which revolve, rotate, whirl, spin, flash or otherwise make use of motion to attract attention, excepting any sign performing a public service function indicating time, temperature or similar service. Posters, ribbons, streamers, spinners, or other similar devices for the purpose of advertising or attracting attention are prohibited.
   (j)   Continuity. Signs and their placement shall be considered in relation to their surroundings and, if seen in series on a building wall, shall have continuity of design with respect to shape, materials and colors.
   (k)    Style and Color. The style or design of signs shall be consistent throughout a particular building. The colors of signs shall be compatible with the color of the building facade and other existing and proposed signs.
   (l)    Graphics. The lettering on a sign shall be clearly legible and in scale with the sign surface upon which it is placed.
   (m)    Materials. Signs shall be constructed of materials which are of appropriate quality and durability and which are compatible with the materials of the building upon which such signs are placed.
   (n)    Structural Design. The construction, erection and maintenance of all signs shall be in compliance with the Building and Housing Codes of the City and all other applicable Municipal standards and regulations.
      (Ord. 48-2001. Passed 9-24-01.)
   (o)   Subdivision Street Signs and Traffic Control Signs. In any newly developed subdivision, the developer must install and/or erect street sign placard/s, street name sign placard/s, stop sign/s, flag pole mounting/s and appurtenances in conformance with plans and specifications such as, but not limited to, materials, types, locations and sizes on file with the City’s Engineering Department. The street signs and traffic control signs shall be uniform throughout the City.
      (Ord. 142-2008. Passed 1-12-09.)