(a)    Sign Area. That portion of a sign to be considered in determining its dimension shall be the area that is normally visible from any one direction. For example, a single-faced rectangular wall sign measuring four feet by six feet would have a sign area of twenty-four square feet. Free-standing signs may, however, have more than a single sign face. In such case, the maximum permitted sign face area for a single sign face shall apply to all sign faces. For example, if a sign face area of twenty-four square feet is permitted for a single sign face, a double-faced sign is permitted twenty-four square feet of sign face area for each sign face, or a total of forty-eight square feet. Frames and structural members not including advertising matter shall not be included in calculation of surface area. A logo, however, is to be considered part of the sign. The area shall be measured by the smallest square, rectangle or triangle, or any combination thereof, which will encompass the entire advertising device, including border, trim, cutout and extension.
   (b)    Building and Lot Frontages. Whenever the area of a sign is related to the size of the building or lot, the following shall apply:
      (l)    The frontage of a building shall be the width of the facade of the building (excluding any roof overhang or non-bearing decorative walls) which faces the principal street or contains the main entrance. If a building is divided into units, the building unit frontage shall be the width of the unit, as measured from the party wall centerlines, on the frontage of the building.
      (2)    The frontage of a lot not covered by a building shall be the number of linear feet the lot abuts on the principal street.
   (c)    Temporary Window Sign Coverage. In determining the percentage of window area covered by temporary signs, each facade or side of the building shall be considered separately. Window area shall be measured to include all windows and the glass portions of doors, but shall exclude all such area covered by permanent signs or other relatively permanent material.
   (d)    Sign Height. The height of free-standing signs shall be measured from the base of the sign at its point of attachment to the ground to its topmost element. However, if the support of a free-standing sign is attached to a wall or other man-made base, including a graded earth mound, the sign height shall be measured from the grade of the nearest street, drive or parking area, as determined by the Building Commissioner.
   (e)   Sign Location. In determining the location of signs in relation to lot lines, including zoning district and street right-of-way lines, distances shall be measured from the vertical projection of the lot line, zoning district line or street right-of-way line to the closest point on the sign.
   (f)    Corner Lots. Buildings, building units or lots with frontage on two public streets may be permitted additional signs along the secondary street, provided that such additional signs shall not exceed twenty percent of the area of the signs permitted along the main facade, and provided, further, that such signs shall not exceed the number of signs permitted for the principal facade and street.
   In the case of building units within a building, an individual building unit must have direct frontage and customer entrances on both the principal street as well as the secondary street to be eligible for any additional signs under this subsection. All requests for signage shall include a site plan and be reviewed by the City Engineer.
(Ord. 48-2001. Passed 9-24-01.)