(a)   The following accessory uses, buildings and structures may be permitted in addition to the maximum permitted number of accessory buildings or structures on a single parcel and may be located within the required yards specified, subject to the following standards.
       (1)   Canopy and Gas Pump Island. Unenclosed canopies over gas pump islands may be located within the required front yard or side yard as approved by the Planning Commission.
       (2)   Ornamental Features. Light fixtures, flag poles, arbors, trellises, fountains, sculptures, plant boxes, plants, trees, and other similar ornamental features may be located within any yard. In no case shall any ornamental feature more than two and one-half (2.5) feet in height above the curb level be located so as to block the sight distance at street or drive intersections within the designated "No Accessory Structure Zone".
         A.   In the case of a street intersection, the sight distance triangle shall consist of the area between points thirty-five (35) feet from the right-of-way line along both intersecting streets.
      (3)   Basketball poles. 
   (b)    Non-Permanent Accessory Buildings and Structures. Any building or structure not deemed to be an ornamental feature nor permanently affixed to the ground shall be considered on a case-by case basis by the Building Commissioner. If the Building Commissioner determines that such non-permanent building or structure constitutes an accessory building or structure, the applicant must follow the procedures for review and applicable regulations set forth in this Chapter.
       (1)   The Building Commissioner may place special conditions on any proposed non-permanent building or structure that addresses a building tie down anchor system, building or structure placement, aesthetic compatibility and other reasonable considerations.
         (Ord. 59-2023. Passed 9-12-23.)