The Building Department may permit a Children Daycare or Adult Family Care Home in the appropriate zoning district, provided that:
(a) No Children Daycare or Adult Family Care Home is located within 1200 feet radius of any existing Children Daycare or Adult Family Care Home;
(b) Registration. The Children Daycare or Adult Family Care Home has registered with the Building Department prior to the beginning of operation and annually thereafter and provides a copy of its current license or certificate; states the location of the facility; and states the number of children, adults or residents being provided for in the home/facility. A registration fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) is required. The first re-inspection fee and all additional re-inspection fees will be fifty dollars ($50.00) each;
(c) Make the home/facility available for inspection by the Seven Hills Fire Department and the City of Seven Hills' Building Department;
(d) Occupancy as a Children Daycare or Adult Family Care Home shall not be considered as a change of use in a building which has been used for residential purposes immediately prior to use as a Children Daycare or Adult Family Home.
(e) Standards.
(1) The proposed facility will not generate an unreasonable increase in traffic volume or require special off-street parking;
(2) Signs or other means of identification as a Residential Facility shall not be permitted. All other signs must be compatible with City Code;
(3) The proposed facility shall comply with the City's regulations applicable to other properties in the zoning district in which the facility is located;
(4) The exterior of the proposed facility shall not be altered in character but shall be compatible with other residential dwellings. However, any improvement required by code or necessitated by licensing requirements shall not be deemed incompatible, except that the design and appearance of such improvement shall be acceptable to the Building Commissioner;
(5) Trash. Refuse and recyclables shall be stored in appropriate containers;
(6) Insurance. The owner of the proposed facility is required to have insurance and must provide proof of insurance.
(f) Revocation or Termination of Approval. The Building Department and Fire Department may revoke or terminate any previously granted approval of a Children Daycare or Adult Family Care Home where, upon the basis of evidence presented, after notice and hearing, it is determined that there has been noncompliance with the conditions of approval and regulations set forth in this Section, or that there has been noncompliance with the City, State and/or Federal Codes. The permit will automatically be revoked or terminated upon the revocation or termination of any license, approval or certificate by a County, State or Federal Agency.
All Children Daycare or Adult Family Care Homes which are in operation on the effective date of this Section shall be permitted, following registration, regardless of the distance between such homes. (Ord. 37-2022. Passed 5-24-22.)