(a)   A written notice of a nuisance or order to abate shall be served on the owner, agent, lessee, or party in control of the property. The notice or order shall set forth the nature of the nuisance, a reasonable time determined by the Director within which the person shall abate the nuisance, and the statement that unless the nuisance is abated within the stated time the City may prosecute the owner, agent, lessee or party in control for failure to comply with the order of the Director, or may seek an order of a court requiring the abatement of the nuisance by such person.
   (b)   In addition to or in lieu of the procedure in subsection (a) of this Section, the Director may cause a written notice and order to be served on the owner or the agent of the owner of the property setting forth the nature of the nuisance, the estimate of the cost of abating the same if done by the City, a reasonable time determine by the Director within which the owner shall abate the nuisance or pay the estimated cost to the City, and the statement that unless the nuisance is abated within the stated time it may be abated by the City and the cost of abatement assessed on the real estate involved.
   (c)   A notice or order shall be served by delivering it personally, leaving it at the person's usual place of business or residence, by posting it in a conspicuous place on the real estate involved, or by mailing it to the person via ordinary U.S. Mail (certificate of mailing), or notice may be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City if it cannot be served in any of the other ways above mentioned.
(Ord. 95-2015. Passed 10-13-15.)