Rules and Regulations governing the City Park and Pavilion areas include, but are not limited to, the following:
   (a)   Hours; after Hours Permit. The park is open only during daylight hours to dusk, unless approved by City Event or Recreation program. No person shall loiter, congregate, assemble, or otherwise use any public park in the City except in accordance with Section 509.081, Park Hours, of the Seven Hills Codified Ordinances.
   (b)   Destruction of Property. No person shall injure, deface, destroy, disturb or befoul any part of the park or any building, sign, equipment or other property found therein, nor shall any tree, flower, shrub, rock or other mineral be removed, injured or destroyed.
   (c)   Garbage, Refuse, Ashes, Sewage and Noxious Material.
      (1)   No person shall bring into, leave behind or dump any material of any kind in the park areas without other material of a picnic, camp or other permitted activities, and such material shall be deposited in receptacles or pits provided for such purpose.
      (2)   No person shall, either within or outside of the park, place or permit to be placed in any river, brook, stream, sewer or drain that flows through the park lands, any noxious or deleterious material which may render park waters harmful or inimical to the public health, or to animal, vegetable or aquatic life, or which may prevent, limit or interfere with the use of such waters for domestic, industrial or agricultural purposes, or which may lessen to an unreasonable degree the use and enjoyment of such waters or park lands for recreational or other park uses.
      (3)   No person shall, either within or outside of park lands, discharge from any pipe, drain, sewer, ditch or natural tributary watercourse flowing into, through or onto park lands, any liquid or aqueous waste which shall fail to comply with the requirements of the State and County Boards of Health.
   (d)   Hunting, Fishing and Molesting Wild Life.
      (1)   No person within the confines of the park areas shall hunt, pursue with dogs, trap or in any other way molest any wild bird or animal found within the confines of the park, or rob or molest any bird nest or take the eggs of any bird.
      (2)   The Service Director, with the approval of Council, shall cause such park waters as it deems advisable closed to fishing and shall so post them. In other areas fishing shall be permitted, except that the use of bows and arrows for fishing is prohibited, and fishing shall not be permitted during the hours the park is closed.
   (e)   Fires. No person shall start a fire in any park, except all fires for culinary purposes in park grills, or privately owned grills, or fire in the places or designated areas approved by the City's Fire Chief and Service Director. All fires shall be put out by the person starting or using the same before leaving the immediate vicinity of the fire. The dumping of hot ashes or fire from portable picnic grills onto the grass or plants is prohibited.
   (f)   Firearms. No person, except police officers or other law enforcement officers, shall carry firearms of any description, or an air rifle, slingshot or missile throwing device, within the park, or discharge any firearms, fireworks or explosive substance, or an air rifle, unless under direct authorization and/or supervision of the Police Department. The penalty for violating this paragraph shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the first offense, two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the second offense, and three hundred dollars ($300.00) for the third offense.
   (g)   Camps. No person shall establish or maintain any camp or other temporary lodging place, without a specific written permit from the Recreation Director, Police Chief and Service Director.
   (h)   Disorderly Conduct. No person, shall either by worked or act, indulge in any noisy, boisterous or disorderly or indecent conduct, or in any manner disturb the peace and good order of the community within the park, nor shall any person play at games of chance, drink intoxicating liquor or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages (unless approved by rental agreement), or do any indecent, lascivious, lewd or improper act, such as indecent exposure, obscene language or nudism. No loitering is permitted in or near toilet buildings.
   (i)   Traffic.  
      (1)   No person shall operate a bicycle or unauthorized vehicle over the infield    or the outfield of the baseball diamonds. Persons operating bicycles or authorized vehicles shall use only areas where no damage will result from the wheels and weight passing over the ground. Bicycles shall be kept in the racks where provided.
      (2)   No person shall drive or propel, or cause to be driven on any road, drive or property within the park, any vehicle at a greater rate of speed than ten miles per hour.
      (3)   Except by authority of the Service Director or Recreation Director, no person shall drive or operate a truck, tractor or vehicle designed and used for the transportation of goods and materials over any road or drive within any park, park reservation or parkway.
   (j)   Parking; Use of Driveway and Paths.  
      (1)   No person shall park or store any motor car, motor vehicle, bicycle, wagon or other vehicle within any traveled roadway in the park or at any location where posted signs prohibit parking, except in emergencies.
      (2)   No person shall use any portion of the park for purposes of way, except drives, roadways, paths, walks and trails established for such purposes. Paths established as foot paths or bicycle paths shall not be used for vehicular traffic.
   (k)   Commercial Enterprises. No person shall sell or offer for sale any article, thing, privilege or service within the park without authorization from the Recreation Director and the Chief of Police, and no person shall do any begging, hawking, peddling or soliciting therein.   
   (l)   Dogs and Cats. No person shall bring into, have or keep in the park or City       walkways, any cat or other animal destructive to bird life, nor shall any person    bring into or permit within the park a dog, unless the same is held in control by a leash, and shall be responsible for cleaning up and removal of any excrement.
   (m)   Compliance with Orders of Police. No person shall fail or refuse to comply with any reasonable order relating to the regulations, directions or control of traffic, or to any other order lawfully given by any police officer acting under the authority of the Police Chief and City Council.
   (n)   Park Pavilions. Park Pavilions are open to the public. Permits will take preference. All tables in the Park Pavilions must remain in place in said pavilions.
   (o)   Sections of the City of Seven Hills' Codified Ordinances relating to Destruction of Property.
      (1)   Section 541.04 Criminal Mischief
      (2)   Section 541.06 Destruction of Shrubs, Trees or Crops.
         (Ord. 93-2015. Passed 10-13-15; Ord. 102-2021. Passed 1-25-22.)