966(C).06 PARKING.
   (a)    Parking in any Elderly Care District shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule:
Dwelling Type
Minimum Off-Street Parking Required
Elderly Care Facility
1 space per two (2) units
One family cluster (attached and detached)
1 enclosed space per unit
   Additional parking for use by employees and guests shall be determined by the Planning Commission during the development plan review and approval process.
   (b)    Off street parking areas shall be set back not less than twenty feet from any street right-of-way line or the nearest edge of a private drive and twenty-five feet from any adjacent zoned residential lot line.
   (c)    The design and construction of off-street parking areas shall be in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer.
(Ord. 111-2014. Passed 7-28-14.)