The Council shall have the power to fix the salary of each officer, employee and member of any department, division, board or commission of the City whether appointed or chosen. Any such person may be required by Council, from time to time, to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of their duties, and the Council shall provide that the premium for any such bond shall be paid by the City. However, the Mayor and Law Director's compensation may not be increased or decreased in-term, and if changed, shall not be less than a minimum of $40,000 per annum. The Council may increase or decrease the compensation of its members, providing that the effective date for the receipt of such compensation will not occur in-term for any individual Council member but will commence at the beginning of the next term of that Council position. In no event will a member of Council's monthly compensation be less than the State minimum amount required to earn one month of Public Employees Retirement System credit and shall be automatically adjusted during their terms of office if the Sate minimum is increased to a level in excess of their scheduled compensation for their current term. The Council may authorize the payment or reimbursement of expenses incurred by any official, employee or member of any department, division, board or commission of the City for travel or otherwise in the interest of the City. (Amended 11-5-13; 11-6-18; 11-7-23)