The exterior of the premises, the exterior of dwelling structures and the condition of accessory structures shall be maintained so that the appearance of the premises and all buildings thereon shall reflect a level of maintenance in keeping with the residential standards of the immediate neighborhood so that the appearance of the premises and structures shall not constitute a blighting factor for adjoining property owners nor an element leading to the progressive deterioration and downgrading of the immediate neighborhood with the accompanying diminution of property values, including, but not limited to, the following:
   (a)    General Maintenance. The exterior of every structure or accessory structure, including fences, steps and railings, shall be maintained in good repair, and all surfaces thereof shall be kept painted where necessary for purposes of preservation and appearance, or surface coated with a protective coating or treated to prevent rot and decay. The same shall be maintained free of broken windows, crumbling stone or brick, peeling paint or other conditions reflective of deterioration or inadequate maintenance to the end that the property itself may be preserved, safety and fire hazards eliminated and adjoining properties and the immediate neighborhood protected from blighting influences.
   (b)    General Household Furnishings. Rags, rugs or other materials hung on lines or in other places on such premises, which materials are not being used for general household or housekeeping purposes; broken, dilapidated or unusable furniture, mattresses or other household furnishings; and plastic materials, paints, miscellaneous coverings and/or any other materials, including those described in this section, shall not be placed at or on the premises in such a manner as to be patently unsightly, grotesque or offensive to the senses.
      (Ord. 36-1985. Passed 5-28-85.)
   (c)    Appliances, Automobiles and Trucks. All out-of-use or nonusable, dilapidated appliances, automobiles and trucks, or parts of the aforementioned items, shall not be stored or exposed visible from public or private property and where the same constitutes a blighting factor depreciating adjoining property and impairing the good residential character of the immediate neighborhood.
   (d)    Storage of Commercial and Industrial Material. There shall not be stored or used at a location visible from public or private property, equipment and materials relating to commercial or industrial uses, unless permitted under the Zoning Code, for the premises.
   (e)    Landscaping. Premises shall be maintained. Lawns, hedges and bushes shall be kept from becoming overgrown and unsightly where exposed to public or private property and where the same constitute a blighting factor depreciating adjoining property and impairing the good residential character of the immediate neighborhood.
      (Ord. 47-1990. Passed 6-11-90.)
   (f)    Signs. All signs permitted by reason of other regulations or as a lawful nonconforming use shall be maintained in good repair, and printed matter, pictures or illustrations contained thereon shall be completely maintained, or when no longer in use, completely removed.
      (Ord. 36-1985. Passed 5-28-85.)
   (g)   Outdoor Illumination/Lights. All outdoor lighting shall be of constant intensity, and shall be directed, reflected or shielded so as not to be of excessive brightness or cause glare hazardous to pedestrians or drivers, create a nuisance or unreasonably interfere with a neighboring property owner’s right to enjoy his property. To this end and to minimize light trespass:
      (1)   All sources of illumination of the exterior of buildings or grounds shall be shielded so as not to cause direct glare and shall be directed away from any lot lines and toward the principal building and parking area on a lot. Lighting fixtures and devices from which direct glare is visible on adjoining roads or property shall be prohibited.
      (2)   All sources of illumination of the exterior of buildings or grounds shall be shielded so as not to cause glare which is hazardous to vehicle drivers or is objectionable to owners of adjacent lots.
      (3)   Flashing lights shall be prohibited. (Ord. 64-2010. Passed 7-26-10.)
   (h)   Firewood.
      (1)   As used in this section, "firewood" means wood processed (seasoned) for use as fuel in an approved fireplace or stove.
      (2)   Firewood stored in an outside area shall not exceed a length of thirty inches    per log. Firewood must be stored to the rear of the front building line. All wood shall be neatly stacked.
      (3)   All stored firewood must be kept a distance of three feet from any property line.
      (4)   Rotted, diseased, or infested wood shall be properly disposed of immediately after discovery.
         (Ord. 121-2011. Passed 9-26-11.)