Ord. No.   Date      Description
45       6-7-28       To Cleveland Elec. Illuminating Co. to supply electricity.
277       9-7-39       To Harry Loder to operate bus line.
283       12-7-39    To Harry Loder to operate bus line.
288       3-7-40       To Harry Loder to operate bus line.
295       9-5-40       To Harry Loder to operate bus line.
352       10-19-44    To Harry Loder to operate bus line.
376       9-20-45    To Harry Loder to operate bus line.
396       1-3-46       To East Ohio Gas Co. to supply gas.
407       3-19-46    To Harry Loder to operate bus line.
410       5-8-46       To Harry Loder to operate bus line.
648       7-28-53    To Cleveland Elec. Illuminating Co. for street lighting.
741       9-21-55    To Cleveland Elec. Illuminating Co. for street lighting.
66-1970    10-12-70    To Ohio Telecable Co., television service for ten years.
28-1973    7-23-73    To Cleveland Area T.V. Inc., 15-year nonexclusive franchise for a community antenna television system.
60-1978    10-23-78    To Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for street lighting.
5-1980    6-23-80    Amends Ord. 28-1973.
27-1986    5-12-86    Renewing the franchise of Cox Cable Cleveland Area, Inc. for the operation of a community antenna television system.
30-1997    4-14-97    A 15 year agreement with ICG Telecom Group, Inc., for a non-exclusive franchise to provide dedicated private line point to point telecommunication service within the City.
75-1999   12-27-99   Amends 27-1986 granting Cox Cable a 15 year franchise renewal agreement.
65-2000   1-22-01   A 15 year non-exclusive franchise to Coxcom, Inc. to construct and maintain a broadband cable television system.