Drive-thru establishments and other establishments which, by their nature, create lines of customers waiting to be served within automobiles shall provide off-street stacking spaces, on the same lot as the use, in addition to the required number of parking spaces specified in Section 976(A).02, in accordance with the following:
   (a)    Minimum number of stacking spaces:
      (1)   Automatic car wash          10 stacking spaces
         facilities where a chain conveyor
         or other similar method is used to
         move the vehicle through the
      (2)   Gasoline Stations:         2 stacking spaces
         Per accessible side of a
         gasoline pump island.
   (b)    Vehicles prohibited within the public right-of-way. In any case, vehicles shall not be permitted to wait within the public right-of-way for service at such drive-in or drive-thru facilities.
   (c)    Waiting space dimensions. Each off-street stacking space shall have an area not less than 144 square feet (measuring 8 feet by 18 feet) exclusive of access drives and parking aisles and shall not interfere with parking or circulation.
      (Ord. 52-2005. Passed 7-25-05.)