Buildings and land shall be used and buildings shall be erected, altered, moved or maintained in a Cluster Development district only in accordance with the following uses:
   (a)    Main Buildings and Uses. 
      (1)    Any area or areas within the Cluster District may be used for one-family dwellings permitted in accordance with the Planning and Zoning Code of the City of Seven Hills excluding single-family homes that are permitted in First, Second and Multiple Dwelling Districts.
      (2)    Detached single-family cluster dwellings.
      (3)   Attached single-family cluster dwellings.
   (b)    Accessory Buildings and Uses.
      (1)    Enclosed garages and open parking areas for the use of guests of the single-family cluster units.
      (2)    Fences, walks, pools, restrooms, clubhouses.
      (3)    Signs.
         (Ord. 34-2004. Passed 6-15-04.)