As used in this chapter, certain terms are defined as follows:
   (a)    "Detached single family cluster dwelling," means a main building consisting of one dwelling unit, detached or separated from other dwelling units by specified setbacks.
   (b)    "Attached single family cluster dwelling" means single family dwelling units, which are attached to one another by varying combinations of common walls and floors and which have individual heating and plumbing, and a separate exterior entrance.
   (c)    "Restrictive covenant" means a declaration or agreement written into a deed or other instrument by the owner of land, which stipulates the uses or non-uses of the property as well as performance or nonperformance of certain acts, recorded in the Cuyahoga County Records.
   (d)   "Homeowners' Association" means an incorporated, nonprofit organization operating under recorded land agreements through which each dwelling unit owner in a described land area is automatically a member, and each dwelling unit is automatically subject to a charge for a proportionate share of costs and expenses for the association's activities, such as the maintenance of common property and common facilities.
   (e)    "Right-of-way" means a strip of land acquired by reservation, dedication, forced dedication, prescription or condemnation, and intended to be occupied or occupied by a road, cross-walk, railroad, electric transmission/line, oil or gas pipe line, water line, sanitary storm sewer and other similar uses.
   (f)    "Green-space" in an urban environment occurs in a variety of forms such as public parks, ornamental gardens, grounds of developments, public and private parks and/or playing fields, incidental open spaces associated with the layout of planned housing estates; private gardens and various other open spaces.
      (Ord. 34-2004. Passed 6-15-04.)