In addition to the other applicable charges provided for use of the City's sanitary sewer system, every person whose premises are located in the Shar-Bon Area (as described in Exhibit A to Amended Ordinance No. 21-1985, duly passed by Council on April 22, 1985 and now on file in the office of the Clerk of Council) and served by a connection to the City's sanitary sewer system, whereby the sewage from those premises are disposed of by the City through that system, shall pay an annual capital cost surcharge calculated annually as follows:
   A.    For the years from 1992 through 1997:
 TCIP            TCSP
S = 10 + 10 + AI + CC
B.    For the years from 1998 through 2001:
S = 10 + AI + CC
   For the purposes of this section,
   S    =    the amount of the capital cost surcharge for the year
TCIP    =    $140,177 (being the total cost of the initial improvements to the City's sanitary sewer system incurred in connection with abandonment of the Shar-Bon Sewage Treatment Plant and construction of a temporary connection to the City of Independence sanitary sewer system at its westerly terminus on Pleasant Valley Road (the Shar-Bon Improvements) to service users in the Shar-Bon Area, as determined by the City Engineer.
TCSP =    $111,100 (being the portion of the total cost of the Pleasant Valley-Hillside Sanitary Sewer Project that is properly allocable to users in the Shar-Bon Area, as determined by the City Engineer.)
AI    =    the total amount of interest payable during that year on out standing bonds or bond anticipation notes issued by the City to pay the TCIP and the TCSP.
U    =    the number of users in the Shar-Bon Area on January 1 of that year.
CC    =    the City's estimated cost of collecting the capital cost surcharge during that year.
Pleasant Valley -
Hillside Sanitary
Sewer Project =    the intercepting sewer and other improvements to the City's sanitary sewer system specifically identified in Ordinance No. 84-1981, duly passed by Council on 11-23-81; Ordinance No. 25-1984, duly passed by Council on 6-25-84; and Ordinance No. 40-1990, duly passed by Council on 5-14-90, which were necessary to provide adequate permanent service to users in the Shar-Bon Area following abandonment of the Shar-Bon Sewage Treatment Plant and to serve other existing and potential users.
   The surcharge shall be billed, paid and collected on an annual basis commencing June 1, 1992, in the manner determined by the Director of Finance. The revenues derived from the surcharge shall be used to pay (i) costs of the Shar-Bon Improvements and the Pleasant Valley-Hillside Sewer Project, including, without limitation, all engineering, inspection, construction, tie-in, right of way, financing and legal costs incurred by the City in connection therewith and the principal of and interest on all bonds and bond anticipation notes issued by the City to provide funds to pay those costs, and (ii) costs of billing and collecting the surcharge. In the alternative, a user may pay the net capital cost surcharge
 (TCIP + TCSP) or
either component (TCIP or TCSP) without interest or collection expenses in one lump sum
on or before June 1, 1992.
(Am. Ord. 18-1992. Passed 4-13-92.)