The owner of a bicycle may make application for registration of such bicycle to the Director of Public Safety upon forms provided by him. Such application shall contain the name and address of the applicant, the name, color and serial number or other identifying mark of the bicycle and such other information as the Director deems pertinent. Each application shall be accompanied by a fee of one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25). The Director, upon receipt of the application, accompanied by the required fee, shall register such bicycle. A record of all registrations shall be kept by the Director, and duplicates thereof setting forth all the information contained in the originals shall be furnished to the Chief of Police. At the time of registration, the Director shall furnish to the applicant a metal tag of form and design approved by him and serially numbered. In addition, each applicant shall be furnished a registration metal plate showing the number identical with the tag number, and a registration card reciting that the bicycle has been registered in the name of the owner. The Director shall also furnish each registrant with a copy of the provisions of this chapter and other information as he may deem appropriate. The Director is hereby authorized and directed to establish such stations for the registration of bicycles, as he may deem necessary for the convenience of applicants.
(Ord. 13-1975. Passed 3-24-75.)