A.   There is hereby created an emergency management agency and a coordinator of the emergency management agency, herein called the "coordinator", who shall be the head thereof. The coordinator shall be appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the council. He/she shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor.
   B.   The Seneca emergency management agency shall obtain, with council approval, such technical, clerical, stenographic and other administrative personnel, and may make such expenditures within their appropriation therefor as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this chapter.
   C.   The coordinator, subject to the direction and control of the mayor, shall be the executive head of the Seneca emergency management agency, and shall be responsible under the direction of the mayor for carrying out the program for emergency management operation of this municipality. He/she shall coordinate the activities of all organizations for emergency management operations within the municipality and shall maintain liaison, and cooperate with, the civil defense and disaster agencies and organization of LaSalle County, other counties and municipalities, and of the federal and state governments.
   D.   In the event of the absence, resignation, death or inability to serve by the coordinator, the mayor or any persons designated by him, shall be and act as coordinator until a new appointment is made as provided in this chapter.
   E.   The Seneca emergency management agency shall take an integral part in the development and revision of local and interjurisdictional disaster plans.
   F.   In the development of local and interjurisdictional disaster plans, the Seneca emergency management agency shall interrelate with business, labor, industry, civic and volunteer organizations and community leaders.
   G.   The Seneca emergency management agency shall:
      1.   Determine the requirements of the village of Seneca for food, clothing and other necessities in the event of an emergency;
      2.   Develop an EOP that meets the standards promulgated by the Illinois emergency management agency;
      3.   Biannually review and revise the local emergency operations plan;
      4.   Establish a register of persons with types of training and skills in emergency prevention, preparedness, response and recovery;
      5.   Establish a register of mobile and construction equipment, and temporary housing available for use in a disaster;
      6.   Prepare, for issuance by the mayor, ordinances, proclamations and regulations as necessary or appropriate in coping with disasters;
      7.   Cooperate with the federal, state and county governments and any public or private agency or entity in achieving any purpose of this chapter and in implementing programs for disaster prevention, preparation, response and recovery;
      8.   Disseminate all information, completely and without delay, on water levels for streams and rivers and any data pertaining to potential flooding supplied by the division of water resources within the Illinois department of transportation to the maximum extent possible.
      9.   Initiate and coordinate planning for:
         a.   The establishment and maintenance of an emergency operations center.
         b.   The implementation and maintenance of a warning system to all schools, hospitals, nursing homes, public buildings, business and industrial buildings, etc;
      10.   Do all other things necessary, incidental or appropriate for the implementation of this chapter;
      11.   Coordinate the recruitment of volunteer personnel and agencies to augment personnel and facilities of the village for emergency service purposes;
      12.   Prepare and distribute to all appropriate officials, in written form, a clear and complete statement of the emergency responsibilities of all local departments and officials and of the disaster chain of command;
      13.   Prepare and distribute to the appropriate municipal officials a municipal catalog of federal, state and private assistance programs;
      14.   Coordinate federal, state and local disaster activities. (Ord. 05-12, 11-1-2005)