A.   The Village of Seneca strongly encourages employees who believe or suspect that they may be abusing drugs and/or alcohol to voluntarily seek treatment before their job performance is affected. Any employee who notifies the Village of Seneca of alcohol or drug abuse problems will be treated in the same manner as any other employee with an illness. Information and communications regarding an employee's voluntary treatment or counseling due to actual or suspected drug and/or alcohol abuse shall remain confidential in accordance with state and federal law.
   B.   Employees who voluntarily seek treatment for drug and/or alcohol abuse shall not be subject to discipline, discharge, or discrimination based solely on such voluntary treatment if the treatment is sought prior to:
      1.   The employee testing positive for illegal drugs and/or alcohol;
      2.   The employee being notified of an upcoming drug and/or alcohol test;
      3.   The occurrence of an event that gives rise to reasonable suspicion that the employee is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol;
      4.   Any return to duty or related follow-up testing for drugs and/or alcohol; and/or
      5.   The occurrence of an accident which requires the employee to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing.
   C.   Employees who seek voluntary treatment for drug and/or alcohol abuse shall continue to be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination for substandard job performance, unexcused absences, abuse of drugs and/or alcohol, or any other violations of this manual, whether such violations are directly or indirectly related to the employee's use of drugs and/or alcohol.
   D.   Furthermore, employees who voluntarily seek treatment for drug and/or alcohol abuse shall not be excused from required drug and/or alcohol testing in accordance with this policy even when voluntary treatment was sought prior to the testing in question. No employee shall be permitted to use voluntary treatment for drug and/or alcohol abuse to avoid otherwise legitimate disciplinary action for failure to comply with this policy or other provisions of the manual.
   E.   Employees may request a medical leave of absence to obtain treatment for drug and/or alcohol abuse in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 and other applicable law. Such leave requests shall be treated in the same manner as any other request for leave pursuant to this policy. Village of Seneca may also grant reasonable accommodations for employees being treated for drug and/or alcohol abuse so long as those employees are participating in a treatment program and are not currently abusing drugs and/or alcohol. Village of Seneca will not retaliate or discriminate against any employee for requesting leave or a reasonable accommodation to obtain treatment for drug and/or alcohol abuse.
   F.   There may be available a voluntary employee assistance program to assist those who wish to seek help for alcohol and drug problems (41 USC 8103). Insurance coverage that provides treatment for drug and alcohol abuse also may be available. Employees should contact the Department of Human Services, their insurance providers or the employee assistance program for additional information. It is the responsibility of each employee to seek assistance before alcohol or drug problems lead to performance problems. (Ord. 20-03, 2-18-2020)