The following conduct is prohibited:
   A.   The unauthorized use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol while on or in Village of Seneca property, while conducting work-related business, or during working hours.
   B.   Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on or in Village of Seneca property, while conducting work-related business, or during working hours.
   C.   Being under the influence of legal or prescribed drugs or chemicals used in excess of, or in non-conformity with, prescribed limits while on or in Village of Seneca property, while conducting work-related business, or during working hours.
   D.   The illegal use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of drugs or drug paraphernalia (while on or off duty).
   E.   Village of Seneca prohibits its law enforcement officers from the use, possession, manufacture, distribution or sale of cannabis while on or off duty.
   F.   Storing any illegal drug, drug paraphernalia, cannabis or alcohol in or on Village of Seneca property.
   G.   Failing to notify an employee's supervisor prior to starting work of any known side effects of medications, prescription drugs, or other chemical compounds or supplements of any kind, including cannabis, that the employee is taking (or has taken) which might affect the performance of the employee's duties.
   H.   Refusing to immediately submit to an alcohol and/or drug test when requested by a supervisor.
   I.   Failing to provide, within one workday following a request, documentation confirming a valid prescription for any drug or medication identified by a positive drug test.
   J.   Failing to adhere to the requirements of any drug or alcohol treatment program in which the employee is enrolled as a condition of continued employment.
   K.   Failing to notify the employee's supervisor of any arrest, conviction, or relevant plea (including pleas of guilty and nolo contendere) relating to drugs or alcohol no later than the earlier of the next date the employee is scheduled to work or two calendar days following the arrest, conviction, or plea.
   L.   Tampering with, adulterating, altering, substituting, or otherwise obstructing any testing process required pursuant to this policy.
   M.   Performing any safety-sensitive duties while having a blood alcohol concentration of .02 or greater.
   N.   Possessing or using drugs or alcohol while on duty or while operating a Village-owned vehicle.
   O.   Operating a Village-owned vehicle within four hours after using alcohol (an on-call employee who consumes alcohol within four hours of being called in must acknowledge the use of alcohol and may not report for duty).
   P.   Consuming alcohol or cannabis during the eight-hour period following an accident requiring a drug and alcohol test before a post-accident alcohol or drug test is given.
   Q.   Reporting for duty or remaining on duty requiring the operation of a Village-owned vehicle when the employee has used a drug or drugs, except when the use is pursuant to instructions of a physician who has advised the employee that the substance does not adversely affect the employee's ability to safely operate a Village-owned vehicle. (Ord. 20-03, 2-18-2020)