A. Service Pipes Across Private Property: No consumer shall be permitted to connect water pipes across lots or buildings to adjoining premises, but all service pipes shall be laid on streets, alleys, or public ground to the premises to be served, and enter at the front or rear of the building nearest the main.
B. Separate Connections: There shall be separate service pipes laid from the main to each building wherever there is a water main adjacent to the property on which such building is located, with such extensions as may be allowed by the Commissioner of Public Property in writing. Such service pipe shall be laid on as near a straight line as possible from the point on the water main nearest to such building to where it enters such building with such exceptions as may be allowed by the Commissioner in writing. No two (2) or more services shall be interconnected. (Ord. 85-05, 6-5-1984)
C. Service Curb Cocks:
1. A curb stop box and shutoff for controlling the supply of water to consumers shall be placed on every service. When connections are made in streets or avenues the stop box shall be placed twelve inches (12") outside the sidewalk line on the owner's side; and when made in an alley it shall be placed twelve inches (12") outside the lot line. The cover of said stop box shall be maintained at the same height as the sidewalk or the surrounding ground. Where area walls or curb lines prevent the location of stop box and shutoff at the point indicated, they shall be placed immediately within the area wall or curb line. All stop boxes must be set on a line drawn at right angles to the main through the service corporation or connection in the main. (Ord. 99-21, 8-3-1999)
2. Every service pipe must also have a stop placed in the building within nine inches (9") of the point where the pipe enters the building. Said stop must have a handle or wrench attached to turn the same, and be kept in working order at all times so that the water may be shut off by the occupant of the premises. There shall also be a gate valve placed on the outlet side of the water meter not more than three feet (3') from the meter so that the meter can be taken out or replaced without draining the pipe system in the building.
3. All stopcocks on the line of service must have round ways of the same diameter as the pipe with which they are placed with proper locking device, and with proper handles for turning on and off, and of a make and pattern approved by the assistant Superintendent of Water and Sewer Department.
4. The outside shutoff and stop box shall be under the sole control of the Water and Sewer Department and no one except an employee or person specially authorized by the Water and Sewer Department shall open the cover of such box, or turn on or off water. Provided, however, that licensed plumbers may turn on or off water for testing plumbing or making repairs, but whenever so used the shutoff must be left closed if found closed, and open if found open, by the plumber who uses it.
5. The stop box on every service must be kept flush with the surrounding ground or sidewalk surface, and must be visible from the sidewalk. The curb box and shutoff must be kept in good condition and ready for use at all times by the owner. Should the owner neglect to maintain such a box and shutoff in proper condition to be used, and if stop box is found to be filled up, or the stop box or shutoff found to be out of repair at any time, the Water and Sewer Department shall have the right to clean or repair the same when needed after giving notice and charge the cost thereof to the owner and if payment is refused may turn off the water in the service until the same is paid.
6. Owners of premises having water services which do not have separate curb stopcocks and boxes for each building or which otherwise do not conform to the requirements in this Chapter at the time of its passage shall be required to put in such curb stopcock or make such other changes as are necessary to conform to these requirements when so instructed by the Superintendent of Water and Sewer.
D. Service Pipe Specifications:
1. That portion of the water service pipe from the water main to the meter up to one and one-half inches (11/2") in size inclusive must be laid of Type "K" copper or polybutylene plastic meeting the requirements of ASTM specification D-2666. Said service line shall be capable of withstanding an internal pressure of one hundred sixty (160) pounds per square inch. For two inches (2") or over services polyvinyl chloride (PVC 1120) Class 22, or cast iron, may also be used, all nonmetallic service lines shall be marked with a continuous wire or metallic tape capable of detection with Village equipment and meeting the approval of the Plumbing Inspector or Commissioner of Public Property.
2. No water service pipe or tap for any building shall be less than three-fourths inch (3/4") internal diameter, and pipes supplying sill cocks or hydrants outside of buildings shall not be less than one-half inch (1/2") internal diameter.
3. Plumbers installing water service pipes shall close the curb shutoff and leave it closed upon completion of their work, and when pipes are laid to the curb only they shall close the end of the pipe or fitting with a tight metal plug or cap.
E. Depth Of Water Service Pipe: Service pipes must be laid at least four feet (4') below the surface of the ground. When pipes are laid in streets or grounds subject to fixed grades, where the surface of the ground is higher than the established grade, they shall be so laid that they will be at least four feet (4') below the established grade, except in sandy soil formation, the Commissioner of Public Property may require pipes be laid to a depth of at least five feet (5') below the established grade. (Ord. 85-05, 6-5-1984)
F. Repairs And Maintenance:
1. Maintenance Of Service Pipes: All service pipes and fixtures from the street water main up to and including the service curb stop and box described in subsection C of this Section shall be maintained at the expense of the Village. All service pipes and fixtures from the premises up to the service curb stop and box shall be maintained at the expense of the owners, and any leaks or other defects in the same shall be promptly repaired by them, or if not promptly repaired the water shall be turned off until such repairs have been made, and the expense thereby shall be charged against such owner and must be paid before water shall be turned on again. (Ord. 99-21, 8-3-1999)
2. Breaks In Service Or Fixtures: The Village shall not be held responsible by reason of the breaking of any service pipe or apparatus, or for failure in the supply of water.
G. Abandoned Service Pipes:
1. All service pipes that may become useless because of laying of larger or other new services, or because water will be no longer used through them, must be permanently closed off at the water main at the expense of the owner of the premises, and so reported to the Superintendent of Water and Sewer. No plumber or owner of property shall disconnect or remove water supply fixtures or piping from any premises served by Village water, or alter the same in such a way as to make the service connection unnecessary for the premises, without permanently closing off the connections at the water main and reporting the same to the Superintendent of Water and Sewer or Commissioner of Public Property in writing.
2. If a service pipe or connection which is not being used is found to be leaking, the Water and Sewer Department may, after giving notice, repair or turn off the same and charge the expense thereof to the owner of property for which the connection was made. (Ord. 85-05, 6-5-1984)