A. Application For Water Service Connections; Water Tap Fees:
1. Applications for water service connections must be made in writing to the superintendent of water and sewer by the owner or agent of the property to be served. Such application shall state the official house number or numbers of the premises to be served, the size of pipe required and the approximate location where such service will enter the premises. (Ord. 84-05, 6-5-1984)
2. Taps or connections to the water mains must be done by a licensed plumber, with inspection by the village before being covered. The applicant will pay a fee of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) per connection. Taps shall be paid for before they will be made. No taps or connections to the water main shall be made by anyone except an authorized employee of the water and sewer department without written permission from the commissioner of public property.
3. The village reserves the right to render special services in connection with furnishing water, such as installing and maintaining water service connections, repairing leaks, etc., at prices and terms to be determined from time to time by the council upon recommendations of the superintendent. When no prices have been determined, charges shall be made at the actual cost of labor and material, plus twenty percent (20%) for overhead expenses.
4. No person, either owner or tenant, who in changing residence from one location to any other location served by the department, shall be given water service until any and all delinquent water rentals which were charged at former place of residence, shall have been paid in full. No water at a new location shall be turned on and if so, shall be turned off until settlement of such delinquent water rental at former location is made. A charge of ten dollars ($10.00) will be made for turning on water and renewing service.
5. Proper records and accounts of each consumer shall be made in the department office.
B. Sewer Connection Permit: Unless specifically stated otherwise, "connection", when used in this chapter, means permit to connect to any sewer in the village and adjacent to the property sought to be connected. No permits shall be issued for the connection of any lot or premises which has not paid the sewer connection fee in full, which fee is fixed at one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) per connection. Each building or residence on a lot or lots requires a separate connection. (Ord. 84-05, 6-5-1984; amd. Ord. 92-13, 6-2-1992; 1994 Code; Ord. 05-13, 11-1-2005; Ord. 24-10, 5-6-2024)