A.   Every telecommunications provider as defined by this Chapter shall register with the Village within thirty (30) days after the effective date hereof or becoming a telecommunications provider, whichever is later, on a form to be provided by the Village. Provided, however, that any telecommunications retailer that has filed a return pursuant to subsection 7-6-4C of this Chapter shall be deemed to have registered in accordance with this Chapter.
   B.   Every telecommunications provider who has registered with the Village pursuant to subsection A of this Section has an affirmative duty to submit an amended registration form or current return as required by subsection 7-6-4C of this Chapter as the case may be, to the Village within thirty (30) days from the date of the occurrence of any changes in the information provided by the telecommunications provider in the registration form of most recent return on file with the Village. (Ord. 98-13, 6-2-1998)