A. Investigation Of Applicants:
1. Upon receipt of an application for a license or permit, or renewal thereof, the village clerk shall promptly refer the application to the proper village official or employee for the purpose of inspection and investigation to determine compliance with all applicable ordinances and regulations.
2. The officials or employees reviewing an application shall make a report thereof, favorable or otherwise, after due investigation and promptly upon obtaining all relevant information relating to said application.
3. Upon receipt of all related investigative reports, the village clerk shall forward such reports, together with the application, to the village mayor and village council for evaluation and determination.
B. Inspections; Analyses: Failure to provide convenient access to premises, provide samples of products or otherwise provide such data or other information as the village may reasonably require to evaluate an application shall constitute sufficient cause for the failure to issue license or permit. (Ord. 03-04, 3-18-2003)