(A)   Membership. Pursuant to I.C. 36-7-14-3 and I.C. 36-7-14-6.1, the Redevelopment Commission shall be comprised of five voting Commissioners and one non-voting Advisor.
   (B)   Appointment. The appointment of these six individuals must conform with the following:
      (1)   Three voting Commissioners are appointed by the Town Council President, who acts in the capacity of the town executive.
      (2)   Two voting Commissioners are appointed by the Town Council, acting in the capacity of the town legislative body; and
      (3)   The Town Council President will appoint one person from the West Clark Community Schools School Board, representing the schools serving the town, to serve as the non-voting Advisor to the Commission.
   (C)   Terms.
      (1)   Pursuant to I.C. 36-7-14-7, the originally appointed Commissioners shall serve from the date of their appointments until the first day of January in the second year after their appointment.
      (2)   Thereafter, each appointed Redevelopment Commissioner shall serve for one year from the first day of January after the Commissioner's appointment.
   (D)   Organization.  
      (1)   Pursuant to I.C. 36-7-14-8, the newly-established Redevelopment Commission shall hold a meeting for the purpose of its reorganization not later than 30 days after the Commissioners are appointed.
      (2)   Organization of the Redevelopment Commission shall conform with the Indiana Code.
(Ord. 2008-037, passed 10-27-08)