(A)   Fund 301 - Beautification Fund is hereby established and shall be a non-reverting fund. The fund will be supported by donations and Town Council transfers when this Council deems necessary.
   (B)   The Beautification Committee shall have the discretion and authority to expend the monies of said fund to service and improve the quality of life and appearance of the town, which shall include, but not be limited to, landscaping, planning, benches, artwork, lighting, etc.
   (C)   The Beautification Committee shall be a five member committee made up of the following members:
      (1)   A member of the Town Council;
      (2)   Clerk-Treasurer;
      (3)   A member of the Main Street Sellersburg, LLC (a non-profit organization) who shall not be an elected official or town employee of the town; and
      (4)   Two citizens of the town.
(Ord. 2019-OR-014, passed 6-24-19)