In addition to other public nuisances declared by other sections of this code, the following are hereby declared to be public nuisances:
   (A)   Unwholesome food or drink. The sale or offering for sale of unwholesome food or drink, or the keeping of a place where such sales or offerings are made;
   (B)   Alcoholic beverages; controlled substances. The sale, offering for sale or furnishing of alcoholic beverages in violation of state law or town ordinances, or the keeping of a place where alcoholic beverages are sold, offered for sale or furnished in violation of state law or town ordinances;
   (C)   Obscene materials. The exposure, display, sale or distribution of obscene pictures, books, pamphlets, magazines, papers, documents or objects, or the keeping of a place where such are exposed, displayed, sold or distributed;
   (D)   Gambling. The keeping of a place where persons gamble, whether by cards, slot machines, punchboards or otherwise, except those places officially licensed by the state;
   (E)   Bawdy, disorderly houses.
      (1)   The keeping of a place where prostitution, illicit sexual intercourse or other immoral acts are practiced; and
      (2)   The keeping of a place where activities in violation of state law or town ordinances are practiced or carried on.
   (F)   Public dances. The conduct or holding of public dances in violation of town ordinances, or the keeping of a place where such dances are held;
   (G)   Noisy conditions. The continued making of loud or unusual noises which annoy persons of ordinary sensibilities, or the keeping of an animal which makes such noises;
   (H)   Interference with radio or television reception. The operation or use of any electrical apparatus or machine which materially and unduly interferes with radio or television reception by others;
   (I)   Assemblies obstructing traffic. Any use of a street or sidewalk or place adjacent thereto which causes crowds of people to gather so as to obstruct traffic on such street or sidewalk, or which otherwise obstructs traffic thereon, except as may be authorized by law or ordinance;
   (J)   Water flowing, ice or snow falling upon streets. Permitting water or other liquid to flow or fall or ice or snow to fall from any building or structure upon any street or sidewalk;
   (K)   Stagnant waterbodies. All wells, pools, cisterns or bodies or containers of water in which mosquitoes breed or are likely to breed, or which are so constructed, formed, conditioned or situated as to endanger the public safety;
   (L)   Breeding places for insects, pests and bacteria. Rank weeds or grass, carcasses, accumulations of manure, refuse or other things which are or are likely to be breeding places for flies, mosquitoes, vermin or disease causing germs;
   (M)   Dangerous structures. Any building or structure which is dangerous to the public health or safety because of damage, decay or other conditions;
   (N)   Dangerous premises. Any pit, hole or other thing which is so constructed, formed, conditioned and/or situated as to endanger the public safety;
   (O)   Fire and explosion hazard. No person shall cause, suffer, allow or permit any fire explosion hazard which endangers the public safety. No person shall cause, suffer, allow or permit open burning of refuse or other combustible materials within the town limits.
   (P)   Dangerous businesses. Any occupation or activity which endangers the public peace, health, safety, morals or welfare.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-2) (Ord. 2016-2, passed 6-13-2016) Penalty, see § 90.99