In the I-1 Industrial District, the following uses may be permitted as conditional uses by the Planning Commission.
   (a)   Salvage Yards:
      (1)   All outdoor storage areas shall be screened or fenced with a solid fence at least eight feet in height. Such fence shall be maintained in sound condition, painted and presenting a neat and inconspicuous appearance. In addition, the use of trees and shrubs shall be encouraged to enhance the outward appearance of the enclosed area. Storage between the street and such fence is strictly prohibited.
      (2)   All outside salvage or stored material shall be located no closer than seventy-five feet (75 ft.) to the side and rear property lines when located adjacent to a non-residential district and a two-hundred-foot (200 ft.) transition area measured from the fence to any residential district boundary shall be maintained. Such strip shall be planted with trees, grass, and shrubs.
      (3)   Salvage yards shall be established and maintained according to all applicable State statutes. The stricter regulations, either State or local, shall prevail.
      (4)   A minimum of two (2) acres shall be provided.
      (5)   A front yard of one hundred feet (100 ft.) from the right-of-way line shall be maintained. Such front yard shall be planted with trees, grass, and shrubs.
      (6)   No material shall be stocked above the fence height, except the movable equipment used in the operation.
      (7)   No open burning shall be permitted and all industrial processes involving the use of equipment for cutting, compressing or packing shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building.
      (8)   A development plan shall be submitted at the time of application showing: building location, accessory buildings or structures locations, fence location, fence type and specifications, planting plan, parking area, street access point or points, and drawn to scale.
      (9)   A salvage yard operation shall be permitted to operate in an approved location provided that the operation of such use does not adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare.
   (b)    Wireless telecommunication towers, wireless telecommunication facilities, and wireless telecommunication shelters.
   (c)   Any other use deemed to be of a similar nature as those listed above by the Planning Commission.
      (Ord. 48-2024. Passed 10-14-24.)