There shall be permitted accessory uses customarily incident to any of the permitted uses mentioned in but not including the conduct of a business or industry or any driveway or walk giving access thereto.
   (a)   Private Garage. A private garage on the same lot, located not less than fifty feet from the front lot line, if a separate building, or in suitable room within or attached to the dwelling to which it is accessory and in which garage no business or industry is conducted. In case of a corner lot, no wall of the garage shall be nearer a street line than the side line of the main building and it shall also be as far from the street line as the line fixed by the Zoning Ordinance for building on adjoining lots or as near thereto as the width of the lot will permit.
   (b)   Garage Space. Garage space may be provided for two motor vehicles on any lot and garage space may be provided for each 2,500 square feet of area by which such lot area exceeds 5,000 square feet, but in any case not more than five motor vehicles shall be permitted. No part of any such garage shall be more than one story high nor shall any part of such building be used for residence purposes, except when such building is intended for use as a private garage with servant quarters therein, the building may be two stories in height but not exceeding twenty-five (25) feet.
      (c)   Professional Offices. The office or studio of a physician, dentist, musician or other like professional person may be located in the building used by such professional person as his residence, provided there is no display visible from the street, nor signboard used to advertise such use.
   (d)    Home Occupations. Customary home occupations such as millinery, dressmaking, or hairdressing, provided there is no display of goods visible from the street and no exterior advertising except as provided in the sign ordinance and provided such occupation shall be carried on by a person only in the dwelling used by such person as his private residence and provided that such occupations shall not occupy more than one-third of the floor area of his residence or apartment. The taking of boarders or the rental of room without board, or the housing of persons by referral from any public agency does not constitute a home occupation under this section.
   (e)    Garage or shed, maximum height is twenty-five (25) feet with minimum setback five (5) feet from any lot line. Garages may only be used for storage of vehicles and minor upkeep of vehicles. Repairs to vehicles for a fee is strictly prohibited. Noise regulation will apply.
   (f)    Swimming Pools must be surrounded by eight (8) foot fencing with a locking gate. Setback of minimum five (5) feet from any lot line. Pools may not be drained in a manner that affects neighboring property.
      (Ord. 48-2024. Passed 10-14-24.)