(a)   Wall Signs.
      (1)   One permanent wall sign is permitted on the premises not to exceed two (2) square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of primary building frontage and shall not exceed 200 square feet in total area.
      (2)   For buildings with a secondary building frontage a portion of the permitted sign area for a permanent wall sign may be reallocated to a second sign displayed on the secondary building frontage.
      (3)   A wall sign shall project no more than nine (9) inches from the surface or wall to which it is attached.
      (4)   Where permitted, a portion of the allowable sign area for a permanent wall sign may be reallocated to a projecting, awning, canopy, or window sign in compliance with this chapter.
   (b)   Freestanding Signs.
      (1)   In addition to a wall sign, one freestanding sign not exceeding fifty (50) square feet per face and limited to 100 square feet per sign shall be allowed for any one lot with a main building. Up to forty percent (40%) of each sign face may include manual changeable copy.
      (2)    Such sign shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height above finished grade.
      (3)   Buildings located on lots with two (2) or more street frontages shall be permitted to erect two (2) freestanding signs subject to size and location requirements as set forth herein. Such signs shall not be located on the same frontage.
            (4)    One temporary freestanding sign may be posted on property during active construction authorized by a building permit. Such signs shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area.
            (5)    In lieu of a temporary wall sign, one temporary freestanding sign may be posted on any parcel for thirty (30) days within any ninety (90) day period provided such sign shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet or less in total area provided however, that no such temporary sign shall be permitted on lots that display a changeable copy sign or EMC.
            (6)    Freestanding signs shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from any street right- of-way or interior lot line; provided, however, that such signs shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from any residential lot line.
            (7)    The base of all freestanding signs, shall be effectively landscaped with living plant material and maintained in good condition at all times. Exposed foundations shall be constructed with a finished material such as brick, stone, or wood, or be screened with evergreens to the top of the anchor bolts.
            (8)    The applicant shall determine the allocation of allowed sign area among multiple tenants.
   (c)    Electronic Message Center (EMC) Signs.
      (1)   In the B-2 Zoning District, one electronic message center sign may be incorporated into a permitted freestanding sign provided it does not exceed forty percent (40%) of the allowable sign area for each face.
      (2)   Any EMC sign shall meet all of the requirements of this sign code.
      (3)   Temporary signs or any sign with changeable copy are prohibited on lots that display an EMC sign.
      (4)   The separation between EMC signs shall be a minimum of seventy (70) feet.
      (5)   EMC signs shall be located a minimum of thirty (30) feet from any intersection of public streets and located on the property so as to not restrict line of sight visibility for pedestrian traffic and any vehicular traffic for ingress from or egress to a public street.
      (6)   EMC signs shall hold their message a minimum of fifteen (15) seconds per screen.
      (7)   Each message shall be limited to two (2) lines of text per screen and two (2) screens of text total. Letter and/or character copy shall not exceed a maximum of eighteen (18) inches in height.
      (8)   No flashing light(s) or "spell-on" scrolling, streaming, or crawling display modes shall be allowed on any EMC sign.
      (9)   Operation of an EMC sign shall be consistent with the hours of operation of the business on which the EMC sign is to be located, except that no EMC sign shall be operational between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
            (10)    All EMC signs shall be anti-glare and all EMC signs shall be equipped with an automatic dimmer device.
            (11)    As measured from the affected property lines on which the EMC sign is located, the maximum light emanation from an EMC sign shall not be greater than .2 foot- candles.
      (12)    No EMC sign shall utilize colored or neon lights that can be used in a location or manner in which they might be confused with traffic control devices or vehicular traffic.
      (13)    An EMC sign shall not face any residentially zoned property.
      (14)    All electric equipment used to operate or install an EMC sign shall be UL listed.
            (15)   All electrical power to any EMC sign shall be supplied via underground carrier inside approved conduit, and shall be installed to the Village's electrical requirements,
      (16)    Any malfunctioning EMC sign shall be turned off, or display a blank screen, until repaired.
      (17)   All EMC signs shall be kept in good operating condition and maintained with good external appearance.
      (18)   If any nonconforming, existing EMC sign is damaged so that repair costs amount to fifty percent (50%) or more of the replacement cost of the EMC sign, the EMC sign may be repaired only if it is brought into conformance with this section.
   (d)   Projecting Signs.
            (1)    A portion of the allowable sign area for a wall sign may be reallocated to one projecting sign per main building.
      (2)    Projecting signs shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet per face and are limited to twenty-four (24) square feet per sign. The maximum dimension shall be four (4) feet.
      (3)   The lowest point of a projecting sign shall be at least eight (8) feet above a sidewalk or other walkway and at least fifteen (15) feet above a driveway.
      (4)    In no case shall a projecting sign extend closer than two (2) feet to the curb line of any street.
   (e)   Awning and Canopy Signs.
      (1)   A portion of the allowable sign area for a wall sign may be reallocated to the surface of an awning or canopy.
      (2)   The total area of sign copy shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total area of the awning or canopy that is parallel, or within thirty (30) degrees of being parallel of the wall of the main building.
   (f)   Window Signs.
      (1)   A portion of the allowable sign area for a wall sign may be reallocated to display no more than two (2) permanent window signs.
      (2)   The glass area of a door shall be treated as a window for the purposes of this section.
      (3)   The total area of all permanent window signs shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total area of windows or doors of the ground floor of the primary building frontage.
   (g)    Temporary Signs Allowed Without a Permit.
      (1)   One temporary sign may be posted on property that is actively marketed for sale or lease. Such signs shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area.
      (2)   Temporary window signs may be displayed in or attached to the inside of display or show windows, provided the total sign area does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total display or show window area.
      (3)   Temporary signs shall be six (6) feet or less in height and shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from any street right-of-way or interior lot line; provided, however, that such signs shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from any residential lot line.
         (Ord. 48-2024. Passed 10-14-24.)