All Contract Bidding Procedure shall be submitted to the Director of Finance as follows:
   (a)   All bids shall be submitted to the Municipal Manager, or his designee, of the Municipality of Sebring, Mahoning County, Ohio, before 12:00 noon on the last day advertised for filing such bids.
   (b)   All bid documents submitted to the Municipal Manager shall be contained within one sealed envelope. The sealed envelope shall contain the actual dollar amount of the bid together with the various bid documents required by law and the plans and specifications of the particular project, such as bid bonds, EEO forms, collision affidavits, insurance affidavits and the like.
   (c)   The bids shall be opened by the Municipal Manager, or his designee, at 12:00 noon on the last day for filing them as advertised, and shall be publicly read by him. Upon opening and publicly reading said bids, the Municipal Manager shall submit said bids to the Municipal Engineer for approval, review and/or comment, and return same to the Municipal Manager for further action.
   (d)   The Municipal Manager, or his designee, shall report the number of responsive and qualified bids, and the amounts of each responsive bid to the Council at the next regular or special meeting thereof.
      (Ord. 1628-98. Passed 10-26-98.)