In any Residence District, the following limitations and requirements shall apply:
   (a)    Height. No building shall exceed thirty-five feet or two and one-half stories in height. A church, public school or any other public building permitted to be constructed in a Residence District, may be built to a height of fifty feet or four stories, providing any such building sets back from every street and lot line in addition to other yard and setback requirements herein specified, one foot for each foot of height of the building in excess of thirty-five feet.
   (b)    Rear Yards. There shall be a rear yard on every lot, which shall have a minimum depth of twenty-four feet, which shall be increased to twenty-eight feet for a two or a two and one-half story building.
   (c)    Side Yards. There shall be a side yard on each side of every building, other than an accessory building. The minimum width of any side yard shall be five feet. Except on corner lots at least one side yard shall be seven feet wide; provided however, that on lots platted and recorded before the effective date of Ordinance 780-59 passed December 3, 1959, which are forty feet or less in width, the minimum width of any side yard shall be ten percent (10%) of the width of the lot.
   (d)    Setback. No building shall be erected, reconstructed or altered, so as to project in any manner (excluding unenclosed porches, or steps) beyond the following setback lines, which are measured from the street lines.
      (1)    On streets hereafter laid out or extended, the minimum setback line shall be fifty feet.
      (2)    On presently existing streets, the setback line shall conform substantially to the actual setback of presently existing buildings on the same street and located between the same cross streets or other natural line of demarcation. The prima facie setback line on presently existing streets shall be a line which is the maximum distance from the street line, and beyond which are located seventy-five percent (75%) of the presently existing buildings. In case of doubt, the Planning Commission is authorized to determine the setback line, keeping in mind the preferred setback of at least fifty feet, except where uniformity of lot size dictate otherwise. In no event shall the setback be less than twenty feet.
   (e)    Lot Area, Per Family. No dwelling or dwellings of any type or construction, apartment house or apartment houses shall be erected, reconstructed or altered on any lot to accommodate or make provision for more than one family for each 7, 500 square feet of the area of that lot if an interior lot, or for each 6,000 square feet if a corner lot; provided, further that one single-family dwelling may be erected on any lot separately owned at the time of the passage of Ordinance 780-59 passed December 3, 1959, or on any numbered lot in a recorded subdivision on record in the County Recorder's office.
      (Ord. 780-59. Passed 12-3-59.)