Within any Residence District no building, structure or premises shall be used or arranged or designed to be used in any part, except for one or more of the following specified uses:
   (a)   A single-family dwelling.
   (b)   A two-family dwelling provided a use permit is obtained from the Planning Commission.
   (c)   An apartment house, including necessary services therein, provided a use permit is obtained from the Planning Commission.
   (d)   Churches and other places of worship.
   (e)   Clubs, lodges, social and community center buildings, except those a chief activity of which is gainful service.
   (f)   Farms and truck gardens.
   (g)   Institutions of an educational, religious or philanthropic character other than correctional institutions.
   (h)   Municipal recreational buildings, playgrounds and parks.
      (Ord. 1311-83. Passed 8-22-83.)
   (i)   Congregate senior citizen housing, including apartment style housing units with shared recreation, dining and other common area facilities and separate single and two family dwellings under common ownership.
   (j)   State licensed nursing homes may be permitted provided a use permit is obtained from the Planning Commission. (Ord. 1489-91. Passed 4-8-91.)