(a)    Informal Consultation. While the subdivision is in sketch form and prior to the preparation of the preliminary plan, the subdivider shall consult with the Planning Commission and the Board of Health so he may know of the applicable provisions of:
      (1)    These Regulations.
      (2)    Existing zoning regulations.
   (b)    Sketch Plan. Such sketch plan may be in pencil but shall:
      (1)    Show the proposed layout of streets and lots, the number of lots, the contemplated business area, playgrounds and park areas.
      (2)    On a general area map, show the proposed boundary in relation to existing community facilities, public highways, transportation lines, shopping centers and schools.
      (3)    Indicate utilities and services, if available, or the source and supply of water, sewage and storm water disposal methods and proposed street improvements.
      (4)    Topographic data sufficient to evaluate the proposed plan and an approximate scale, title, north point and date.
   (c)    Preliminary Plan. After informal consultation, a preliminary plan shall be prepared in accordance with Section 1115.02 . The subdivider shall prepare and file six copies of a preliminary plan according to the standards and other requirements of these Regulations and submit the filing fee not less than fifteen working days prior to the Planning Commission's meeting date, at which it is to be considered.
   The preliminary plan shall be considered officially filed only after it is examined by the Commission and found to contain all of the data as required by Section 1115.02.
   (d)    Approval.
      (1)    The Planning Commission shall forward copies of the preliminary plan to such officials and agencies as may be necessary for the purpose of study and recommendation. After receipt of reports from such officials and agencies, the Commission shall determine whether the preliminary map shall be approved, approved with modifications or disapproved. Notice of such action shall be supplied to the subdivider together with, in the case of disapproval, the reasons for such disapproval.
      (2)    The Commission shall act on the preliminary plan within forty-five days after filing unless such time is extended by agreement with the subdivider or his agent.
      (3)    When a preliminary plan has been approved by the Commission, the Chairman of the Commission shall affix his signature to the plan and attach thereto a notation that it has received preliminary approval and return one copy to the subdivider for compliance with final approval requirements. Approval of the preliminary plat by the Commission shall not constitute approval of the final plan of the subdivision by the Commission.
      (4)    Preliminary approval shall confer upon the subdivider the rights and guarantee during a one-year period from the date of approval that the general terms and conditions under which the preliminary approval was granted will not be affected by any changes and/or amendments to these Regulations.