(a) No person shall drive a taxicab excepting the owner of such taxicab, without having first secured and having in full force and effect, a taxicab driver's license.
(b) The applicant for a driver's license shall present himself to the Safety Director for examination. No applicant shall be eligible to receive a driver's license unless he is over twenty-one years of age, a citizen of the United States, has good eyesight and hearing, is of good moral character, is competent to drive a motor vehicle, has a good working knowledge of the traffic laws of the Municipality, has no criminal record and has furnished two satisfactory references.
(c) Upon being satisfied, the Safety Director, upon payment of the fee herein provided, may issue the driver's license.
(d) The annual fee for such driver's license shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each year. (Ord. 449. Passed 11-18-38.)