The owner, occupant or person having the charge or management of any lot or parcel of land situated within the corporate limits, whether the same be improved or unimproved, vacant or occupied, within five days’ written notice to do so, served upon him in conformity with Ohio Revised Code Section 731.51 or posted upon said property, shall cut or destroy or cause to be cut or destroyed any noxious or poisonous weeds or vines or any weeds or grass found growing upon any such lot or parcel of land, and continue to prevent the same from blooming, going to seed, or growing or exceeding a height of six inches. The Municipality is authorized to serve one notice to the owner or occupant of the lot or parcel of land which is subject to the written notice specified herein one time per year and said notice shall be sufficient to place the owner or occupant of the land of the need to maintain the premises in conformity with this section as well as the continuing obligation to prevent any future violations for that year.
   The Municipality shall set forth the cost of each mowing or trimming or removal of noxious or poisonous weeds or vines or any weeds or grass which shall also include a fifty percent (50%) administrative fee as well as the costs to actually cut, trim or remove the plants specified. The Municipality may set forth the costs which will be assessed for each successive mowing, trimming or removal for any additional times the removal is performed by the Municipality during the year. In the event that the owner or occupant fails to pay the amount of costs incurred and assessed by the Municipality, the Municipality may, after thirty days, certify to the County Auditor the total amount incurred so the same may be collected as other taxes and assessments within the County.
(Ord. 25-13. Passed 9-23-13; Ord. 24-2023. Passed 4-24-23.)