(A) Three of the Village Trustees shall be elected at each biennial village election for the term of four years and until their successors are qualified.
(B) The President shall be elected for the term of four years and until his or her successor is qualified.
(Ord. passed 12-20-2004; Ord. passed 4-1-2013; Ord. passed 4-21-2014)
The Village Clerk and the Village Treasurer shall be appointed officers of the village. Both the Village Clerk and the Village Treasurer shall be nominated by the President of the village and appointed by Council for an indefinite period, and shall be responsible to and serve at the pleasure of the Council with their compensation fixed by Council.
(Ord. passed 4-1-2013)
This subchapter shall take effect 45 days after the date of adoption unless a petition signed by not less than 10% of the registered electors of the village is filed with the Village Clerk within the 45 day period, in which case this subchapter takes effect upon approval at an election held on the question.
(Ord. passed 4-1-2013)
(A) The Village Council has the authority to create and modify committees, as well as the meeting dates and times.
(B) In November of each year, two or more members shall be appointed to each committee.
(C) Wherever possible, one member of each committee should be a carryover member. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
(D) In the absence of the President, the following shall preside over the meeting in the order listed: President Pro-Tem, Committee Chairperson, senior member on the committee. Two voting members of any committee shall constitute a quorum.
(Ord. passed 11-19-2012)