Table of Use Regulations
Uses Permitted As A Matter of Right
Uses Permitted by Special Use Permit
Permitted Accessory Uses
Minimum Off-Street Parking Spaces (All Districts)
For: One Space Per
Minimum Off-Street Loading Berths (All Districts)
Additional Regulations
Table of Use Regulations
Uses Permitted As A Matter of Right
Uses Permitted by Special Use Permit
Permitted Accessory Uses
Minimum Off-Street Parking Spaces (All Districts)
For: One Space Per
Minimum Off-Street Loading Berths (All Districts)
Additional Regulations
1.   Single-family dwelling
1.   Churches
1.   Home occupations
1.   Residences: 1/2 dwelling unit
1.   For all nonresidential uses in a residential zone: 1 berth for the first 10,000 sq. ft. of floor area and 1 additional berth for each additional 25,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof
1. Accessory uses must observe all required setbacks
2.   Schools
2.   Garages
2.   Public buildings, theaters, community and recreation buildings: 200 sq. ft. of floor area, but not less than 1 space for each 3 seats where provided
2.   For all retail commercial establishments: 1 berth for the first 8,000 sq. ft. of floor area, plus 1 additional berth for each additional 25,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof
3.   Libraries
3.   Swimming pools
3.   Schools and nursery schools: 12 seats or students for schools of elementary grades and 1 space for each 6 seats for students for all other schools
3.   For all industrial uses: 1 berth for the first 5,000 sq. ft. of floor area and 1 additional berth for each additional 20,000 sq. ft. of floor area in the use
4.    Hospitals, clinics, doctor’s offices
4.   Lawn sheds
4.   Churches: 200 sq. ft.
R-1 (cont’d)
5.   Agriculture
5.   Accessory signs as regulated by §§ 153.230 through 153.234
5.   Retail and personal service uses not specifically listed in this column: 150 sq. ft. of floor area in those uses
6.   Housing for the elderly
6.   Community Parking Option: Nonresidential parking requirements of this chapter may be satisfied by participation in a municipal or joint community parking program designed to serve a large area, provided all plans for the community parking have been first approved by the Planning Commission. All new business buildings and additions to existing buildings in such a commercial district within 300 feet of a community parking area shall be considered a participant in the program when it exists
7.   Child care facilities, centers, or nurseries
8.   Funeral homes
9.   Planned residential development
10.   Boarding, lodging or rooming houses
1.   Single-family dwellings
1.   Same as R-1, except 5 and 9.
1.   Same as R-1
7.   Restaurants: 2 seats capacity
2.   Two-family dwellings
1.   Single-family dwellings
1.   Row houses 4-6 units with structure
1.   Same as R-1
8.   Outdoor automotive commercial: 600 sq. ft. of display and sales area
2.   Two-family dwellings
2.   Multi-family in low rise, townhouse and garden apartment units with structure
2.   Child care facility when part of a family development
9.   Bowling alleys: 1/4 alley
3.   Three-family dwellings
3.   Planned residential development
1.   Mobile home parks subject to §§ 153.150 through 153.152 
1.   Accessory uses in mobile home parks are regulated by §§ 153.150 through 153.152
10.   Industrial Uses: 500 sq. ft. of floor area in such uses, plus 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area in accessory uses
2.   For accessory uses outside of mobile home parks, same as R-1
11.   Public utilities: 2 employees or 300 sq. ft., whichever is less
3.   Child care facility only as part of a mobile home park
1.   Retail commercial excluding automotive commercial
1.   Above-store residences
1.   Parking lots
2.   Personal services establishments
2.   Entertainment and commercial recreation
2.   On-site storage
3.   Professional offices
3.   Grain elevators, sales and service
CBD (cont’d)
4.   Restaurants and food service establishments
4.   Meeting halls and community centers
5.   Taverns
5.   Mini-malls and supermarkets on 25,000 sq. ft. lots or larger
6.   Public parking lots
6.   Hotels
7.   Essential public services
8.   Churches
9.   Other similar uses as determined by the Zoning Administrator
1.   Same as CBD
1.   Same as CBD
1.   Parking lots
2.   Automotive sales and service
2.   Bowling alleys
2.   On-site storage
3.   Gasoline service stations
1.   None permitted by right
1.   Manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging, treating and assembling from previously prepared material in the production of:
    a.   Food and kindred products
    b.   Apparel, clothing, textile mill products, leather goods and canvas products
    c.   Lumber and wood products
    d.   Furniture and fixtures
    e.   Paper products
    f.   Printing and publishing
    g.   Finished chemical products
    h.   Finished rubber products
    i.   Stone, clay and glass products
I-1 (cont’d)
    j.   Finished metal products such as machinery, equipment, and other fabricated metal products
    k.   Engineering, measuring, optic, medical, photographic, and similar equipment
    l.   Finished jewelry, silverware, toys, athletic, office and tobacco goods, musical instruments, and similar products
2.   Wholesale trade, storage, and distribution
3.   Private transportation, communication, and utilities
4.   Service such as:
   a.   Laundry, dry cleaning, and dyeing plants
   b.   Warehousing and storage
I-1 (cont’d)
   c.   Research and development
   d.   Direct mail advertising
5.   Industrial parks
6.   Sexually oriented businesses and related activities (along Bean Street only)
1.   None permitted by right
1.   Same as I-1
1. Same as I-1
Same as above
Same as above
2.   Manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging, treating, assembling, and bulk storage of:
    a.   Acetylene gas
    b.   Alcohol
    c.   Ammonia
    d.   Brick, tile or terra cotta
    e.   Concrete/cement products
    f.   Electroplating
    g.   Lampblack
I-2 (cont’d)
    h.   Petroleum products and byproducts
    i.   Cleaning products
3.   Railroad repair and freight car yards
4.   Junkyards, scrap processing*
5.   Manufacturing of tar and asphalt products
6.   Processing of raw materials
7.   Slaughterhouses and rendering plants
8.   Sanitary landfills and disposal sites for hazardous and liquid materials*
9.   Industrial parks
(1993 Code, § 154.028) (Ord. 84-1, passed 1-3-1984; Ord. 02-06, passed 8-5-2002)