(A)   The Director of Parks and Recreation shall approve an application for a special event permit unless he or she determines, from a consideration of the application and other pertinent information that:
      (1)   Information contained in the application, or supplemental information requested from the applicant, is found to be false in any material detail;
      (2)   The applicant failed to complete the application form after having been notified of the additional information or documents required;
      (3)   Another special event permit application has been received prior in time, or has already been approved, to hold another event at the same time and place requested by the applicant, as to render the Police Department unable to meet the needs for police services for both events;
      (4)   The size, nature, or location of the event will present a substantial risk to the health or safety of the public or participants in the event or other persons;
      (5)   The size of the event will require diversion of so great a number of peace officers of the city to ensure that participants stay within the boundaries of the event, or to protect participants in the event, as to prevent normal protection to the rest of the city; nothing herein authorizes denial of a permit because of the need to protect participants from the conduct of others, if reasonable permit conditions can be imposed to allow for adequate protection of participants with the number of peace officers available to police the event;
      (6)   The location of the event will substantially interfere with any construction or maintenance work scheduled to take place in the city parks;
      (7)   The event shall occur at a time when a school is in session at a location adjacent to the school or class thereof, and the noise created by the activities of the event would substantially disrupt the educational activities of the school or class; or
      (8)   The event involves the use of hazardous, combustible, or flammable materials which could create a fire hazard.
   (B)   When the grounds for denial of an application for permit specified in division (B) above can be corrected by altering the date, time, duration, and location of the event, the Director of Parks and Recreation shall, instead of denying the application, conditionally approve the application upon the applicant’s acceptance of conditions for permit issuance. The conditions imposed shall provide for only such modification of the applicant’s proposed event as are necessary to achieve compliance with said divisions.
   (C)   The Director of Parks and Recreation may revoke a special event permit if, after the issuing of the permit, new information comes to his or her attention which information indicates that any of the grounds specified in this section for denial of the permit do in fact exist.