It shall be unlawful for any person to breath, inhale, drink, or in any manner use internally any toluol, hexane, tricholoethylene, acetone, toluene, ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, trichorothan, ispropanol, methyl isbutyl ketone, methyl collosolve acetate, cyclohexanone, any compound, substance, or liquid (including, but not limited to, glue, paint, cement, or adhesive) containing any of such chemicals, or any solvent having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes, for the purpose of inducing a condition of intoxication, inebriation, stupefaction, depression, giddiness, exhilaration, paralysis, or irrational behavior or in any manner changing, distorting, or disturbing the auditory, visual, or mental process or in any way dulling the brain or nervous system.
(Ord. 1116, passed 2-25-1957; Ord. 1715, passed - -1968)